Your Words Are Your Magic Wand! Most Powerful Positive Affirmations For Manifesting Love

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I wish I did this sooner!


@dawnroseloacoach I wish I did this sooner! For 13 years I was stuck in a cycle of toxic relationships and these are the exact affirmations I used to completely transform my love life and attract the dream husband my heart craved for so long. Thank God I decided to really understand power of positive affirmations I have to admit I didn’t take them seriously at first, because it felt so mechanical to repeat something that you don’t actually believe. When you’ve been through so much disappointment and heartbreak… It may be hard to have the motivation and willingness to keep saying affirmations that don’t feel real and true. Once you understand the true purpose of repeating your love affirmations daily, you will re-gain your faith in their effectiveness. The gap between your manifestation affirmations and your current reality is called cognitive dissonance. It’s a major manifestation block that few people actually name. It’s easy to break through this manifestation block once you understand that cognitive dissonance is part of the process and it will go away once you keep persisting with your affirmations. How manifesting with positive affirmations actually works is that by repeating them daily, with a strong feeling and persistence, you are gradually rewiring your destructive limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are deeply engrained in your subconscious mind. It’s your subconscious mind that forms your current reality. 99.9% of what your subconscious mind believes to be true manifests in your life. The positive affirmations you use daily are the new building blocks of your subconscious mind Some ways to speed up the effect of your love affirmations is by writing them down, by making up songs and singing them out loud as well as saying them in front of the mirror. I’ve also been combining my affirmations with other manifestation techniques like my unique 108 Manifesting Technique which is a groundbreaking method to magnetize your dream partner literally overnight. You definitely want to check it out! And stay tuned for more manifestation magic to manifest the Happily Ever After you know you deserve! #affirmationsforlove #affirmationsoftheday #manifestinglove #positiveaffirmationsdaily #howaffirmationswork #howtomanifestyoursoulmate ♬ original sound – Heal and Manifest Love Fast

These are the exact affirmations I used to completely transform my love life and attract the dream husband my heart craved for so long.

For 13 years I was stuck in a cycle of toxic relationships and when I ended my last trauma bond six years ago, I had a lot of negative self-talk going on in my head.

I had gone through so much disappointment and heartbreak that my mind was full of crippling thoughts like ‘Maybe I am not worthy of love.’ ‘No good man will ever show up in my life.’ ‘All good men are taken.’ ‘Maybe I’m meant to stay alone forever.’

Thank God my desire to manifest my dream husband and build a family was stronger than these destructive messages that tried to overwhelm my consciousness and mind.

So I decided to dive deep and learn how to actually use the power of positive affirmations

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I have to admit I didn’t take them seriously at first, because it felt so mechanical to repeat something that I didn’t actually believe.

When you’ve been through so much disappointment and heartbreak… When you keep attracting men who lie, cheat, ghost you or simply don’t want to commit… It may be hard to have the motivation and willingness to keep saying affirmations that don’t feel real.

This is where the true power of positive affirmations lies

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Once you understand the true purpose of repeating your love affirmations daily, you will re-gain your faith in their effectiveness.

The gap between your manifestation affirmations and your current reality is called cognitive dissonance. It’s a major manifestation block that few people actually name.

It’s easy to break through this manifestation block once you understand that cognitive dissonance is part of the process and it will go away once you keep persisting with your affirmations.

It’s not the affirmations themselves that manifest your dream partner and life

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How manifesting with positive affirmations actually works is that by repeating them daily, with a strong feeling and persistence, you are gradually rewiring your destructive limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are deeply engrained in your subconscious mind.

It’s your subconscious mind that forms your current reality. 99.9% of what your subconscious mind believes to be true manifests in your life.

The positive affirmations you use daily are the new building blocks of your subconscious mind

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By daily, consistent repetition, your subconscious mind will gradually start believing these statements to be true, and your deepest desires will miraculously start unfolding in your life.

What you believe is a ‘miracle’ is actually your subconscious mind, driving you to behave in new ways and do new things that eventually create your new reality. For example, when you keep repeating ‘I am worthy of true love.’, you will start seeking ways to heal your past trauma and transform your emotional patterns. By doing this, you will no longer miss out on the red flags. Your energy will shift and you will no longer be an energetic match to the toxic men you used to attract in the past.

There are ways to further supercharge your love affirmations to make this reality shift literally overnight

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Some ways to speed up the effect of your love affirmations is by writing them down, by making up songs and singing them out loud as well as saying them in front of the mirror. Anything that helps you attach a FEELING to your affirmations gets you closer to that reality shift you are looking for.

I have literally been writing my affirmations hundreds and hundreds of times until my desire came true.

I’ve also been combining my affirmations with other manifestation techniques like my unique 108 Manifesting Technique which is a groundbreaking method to magnetize your dream partner literally overnight. Its power lies in the secret combination of 3 different manifesting techniques, which brought together work super fast to re-wire your subconscious mind, help you gain deep clarity on your wish and magnetize it in your life (sometimes in 24 hours or less).

You definitely want to check it out!

And stay tuned for more manifestation magic to manifest the Happily Ever After you know you deserve!

Wholeheartedly yours,



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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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