Women Who Manifest Lifelong Love ALWAYS Do THIS

moon conjunct venus synastry

For 13 years I was stuck in a cycle of toxic relationships with abusive partners until I made this major mindset shift.

It truly is the essence of hacking your love destiny FOR GOOD.

This is what women who manifest lifelong love, marriage and wholehearted adoration from their partners do:

afflicted venus remedies

1. Give up the ‘drama triangle’

The drama triangle is a psychological term where you unconsciously take up the role of a victim, savior or abuser. If you’ve ever been in a toxic relationship, then you have most likely been in one or all of these roles and this keeps you stuck in the energy and cycle of such relationships.

You can download my FREE guide where I explain in detail what the drama triangle is, how to disconnect from the victim mentality for good and become the architect of your own destiny

2. Change your perspective on the heartbreak or toxic relationship

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In the spiritual world, those people who hurt you most are your greatest friends. Because their souls agreed to sacrifice themselves in order to teach you a lesson.

This experience was a learning experience, helping you to see your shadow parts and your trauma and to make a decision to heal and transform.

Once I adopted this kind of mindset, it was a lot easier for me to let go of resentment and bitterness from past hurts. This mindset shift immediately puts you in a power position where you are learning and growing rather than being the one, constantly taking blows from faith.

3. Only through this healing and transformation you will be able to become a vibrational match to an amazing love and relationship.

afflicted mercury remedies

My toxic relationships taught me that I have to work to become a better partner myself in order to attract the amazing partner I was dreaming of.

I learned that I need to learn emotional regulation, boundary setting and unconditional love myself, so that I can attract such a partner into my life.

If I didn’t do shadow work, if I didn’t consciously develop my virtues and re-program my subconscious mind to instill new beliefs around love and relationships….

No amount of manifestation techniques would have worked to attract the love and relationship I desired.

If attracting and keeping a long-term relationship is the no1 priority in your life now, then you might want to consider following me on IG, Youtube, FB or Tikok where I share all the love manifesting magic you need to make this dream come true.

Wholeheartedly Yours,



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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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