5 Life-Changing Journal Prompts To Break Through Your Love Blocks (from current and past lives)

journal prompts to eliminate love blocks

These journal prompts are a game-changer.

I’ve been consciously manifesting money, success, trips and other dreams since I was 21, but when it came to relationships, I was somehow a magnet for toxic love.

After 13 years of trial and error and over $70K investment in learning psychology, astrology and spiritual work, this is one of the biggest manifestation secrets I have…

Learning how to find your ‘hidden enemies’

Your hidden enemies are subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that you don’t even realize you have. These are not the common ones you would read about like fear of commitment or fear of abandonment. They are very personal to you, your childhood and past lives .

Here are 5 life-changing journal prompts to identify your ‘hidden enemies’ and eliminate them in one shot

journal prompts to eliminate love blocks

Life-changing journal prompt to break through your love blocks no1

Write down a list with 10 non-negotiable needs you have regardless of whether you have a partner or not.

Here are a few examples of my own:  I need my daily prayer and meditation; I need to live in a place I love; I need to have enough personal space, etc.

No matter how ‘stupid’ or ‘unreasonable’ some of these needs might sound, just right them down and accept them as something that’s imperative to your peace and happiness.

Now, be honest and ask yourself. Are you afraid that having a partner might prevent you from meeting one or more of your needs? For example, I was scared a partner will make me live in HIS home.

Once you identify those, write down the exact opposite of your limiting belief. For example:

‘It’s easy and possible to find a partner who wants to live at my place.’

‘It’s easy and possible to find a committed partner who also gives me enough personal freedom.’

Keep doing this until you normalize having the belief that it is possible and probable for you to find a partner, who will accommodate all your needs without having to make a compromise.

Life-changing journal prompt to break through your love blocks no2

journal prompts to eliminate love blocks

Write down 3-5 reasons for wanting a partner right now.

Please stop reading, take a piece of paper and a pen and write down 3-5 reasons for desiring a partner right now.

Then read them out loud and reflect on each one. Ask yourself – is this a fear-driven reason to desire a partner or is it a love-driven reason to desire a partner?

In fact, if you have more than 1 reason for desiring a partner, then you are most likely manifesting from a fear-based, scarcity mindset.

Fear-based reasons to desire a partner are things like ‘I want to have a child before it’s too late’, ‘I want to get married before I’m too old.’, ‘I don’t want to be alone forever’, ‘I need love and affection’.

Love-driven reasons to desire a partner are things like ‘I want to share the joy and love I feel within with another person; I want us to grow a family of joy, love and harmony so that we can raise trauma-free children and raise the collective consciousness; I know this is God’s Will for my life’.

Trying to manifest a relationship from a place of lack, fear and loneliness is only going to attract unhealed partners who resonate with these low frequencies. This is going to keep you in the loop of heartbreak and disappointment because such partners will only come to magnify your own trauma until you learn to recognize it and overcome it.

Once you’ve identified all your fear-based reasons to desire a partner, take a few deep breaths and connect with the deepest, timeless reason you desire a partner.

If your ideal partner manifested in your life tomorrow, and you knew FOR SURE that they are your forever person. What is the deepest reason you want them in your life?

Connect to this deep inner truth and write it down. Come back to it every time you fall back to your habitual patterns of scarcity and fear.

Life-changing journal prompt to break through your love blocks no3

journal prompts to eliminate love blocks

Write down all the reasons you are loveable (keep reading it’s not that simple)

Why do you think you are worthy of love? What are the 5-10 things that are MOST LOVEABLE about you?

Read them out loud and feel the love and adoration you feel towards yourself.

But you shouldn’t stop there. You should go on and think about a combination of qualities you have that are very rare to find together in one person.

For example, maybe you are very deep and spiritual, but you are also light-hearted, funny and are totally fine making jokes about your quirkiness.

Maybe you are someone who is really good at listening to others and being compassionate, but also knows how to get your point through and set boundaries when needed.

Maybe you’re someone who has really worked on their emotional regulation and can handle conflict without going into conflict.

Think about a few COMBINATIONS of personality traits and qualities you have that are RARE to find together and write down:

“I am an exceptionally loveable and magnetic person because I am … both this AND THAT “

This creates a strong field of magnetism and confidence around you that no man or woman can resist.

This is one of the strongest attraction factors that makes you a magnet for love and adoration.

Remember – manifesting love is all about becoming a vibrational match to the type of partner you desire in your life. To do that, you need to become that partner yourself.

Life-changing journal prompt to break through your love blocks no4

journal prompts to eliminate love blocks

Write down 1-5 relationship patterns in your past relationships that resembled the relationship dynamics in the family you grew up in.

Did you attract a partner who was just like one of your parents?

Did you behave like just one of your parents?

Bring this to your awareness and write it all down in great details without judgement.

Once you acknowledge all similarities, bring the power back to yourself by writing down:

‘My childhood and upbringing does not define my future relationships. I have the awareness and power to transform habitual patterns. I have my own identity and I have the power to shape my own personality.’

Now write down 5-10 things you need to be aware of daily in order to break the pattern of being like your parents. This is going to break the pattern of attracting partners, who repeat your childhood trauma.

For me it was breaking the habitual thought pattern of being a victim. By bringing to my awareness that I learned this through my mother, I could un-learn it by constantly catching myself putting myself in the victim mentality and taking on a stance of power and self-awareness instead.

Life-changing journal prompt to break through your love blocks no5

journal prompts to eliminate love blocks

If you had to stop focusing on the desire to manifest a partner, what are some of your own feelings and emotions that you would have to deal with?

If you had to take your focus away from that desire?

Is there something else that’s bothering you?

Is there another underlying issue that’s causing you an intense negative feeling or emotion?

Is there another void you need to feel?

Here are some additional prompts to uncover these hidden feelings and emotions…

‘I daren’t even admit this to myself, but _________’

‘________Makes my blood boil.’

‘I still believe I have to ________ In order to be loved/accepted….

‘I don’t feel validated because __________’

‘I know I didn’t react at the time but _________ made me angry’

The moment you transform these hidden feelings of anger, frustration, guilt, resentment into inner peace, self-forgiveness and self-love is the moment you become a magnet for your divinely ideal love match.

Ready to take the leap? Consider joining my signature program that is a foolproof manifesting blueprint to heal and attract a life partner beyond your wildest expectations and dreams.

Wholeheartedly yours,




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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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