THIS Part of Your Birth Chart Shows How To STOP Attracting The Wrong Men

sun in 4th house synastry

Unpopular opinion: astrology’s greatest power lies NOT in predicting your future…

But in giving you the key to inner transformation that connects you with YOUR HIGHER SELF

With the BEST version of yourself…

And through living in this high vibrational state of consciousness and of BEING, you can change the course of your own destiny.

Each planet in your birth chart shows a facet of your personality and each house shows how you operate in the different areas of your life.

When it comes to love and relationships, it’s your 7th house that holds hidden meanings and gems that need your attention, especially if you’ve been a magnet for narcissists and toxic partners for most of your adult life (like I used to be).

The 7th house in your birth chart gives so much insight, not only about the type of partners you desire and attract in your life, but most importantly about the shadow parts of your personality that you struggle to express in a healthy way.

And this is WHY in your early relationships, you attract painful experiences

moon conjunct south node synastry

Because each partner and each relationship was only a MAGNIFIED reflection of the hidden parts of your personality that you don’t see, that you deny or can’t find a way to channel. Therefore, you need an external expression of these repressed parts of yourself (a partner), so that you can notice them and heal them.

Planets and signs in the 7th House offer deep insights into the qualities you seek in a partner and the energies you attract.

The signs and planets in your 7th house also provide a very clear guide on HOW TO STOP attracting toxic partners, because it all comes down to HEALING you own toxic, repressed traits.

How do you do that? By learning BOTH the positive expression and the shadow meaning of the planets and signs in your 7th house and consciously striving to express this energy in your life.

Aries/Mars in the 7th House

moon conjunct south node synastry

You find yourself attracted to fiery, confident, enthusiastic, freedom-seeking partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own inability to deal with anger and aggression. You might find it hard to express your strong feelings in a healthy manner and your own repressed needs for adventure and independence may mean you attract aggressive partners, who don’t want to commit. You may continuously manifest relationships with men, who put their own ambitions first and get extremely angry and frustrated if you seek deeper commitment with them.

You will stop attracting the type when:

  1. You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Mars/Aries like healthy doses of enthusiasm, independence, entrepreneurship (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets)
  2. You work to transform your shadow aspects and find healthy outlets of your strong feelings; learn to recognize anger, repressed competitiveness and ambitions learn how to to integrate them in your life in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Taurus/Venus in the 7th House

moon conjunct south node synastry

You find yourself attracted to stable, dependable, sensual, and aesthetically pleasing partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own fear of change and over-reliance on material security. You might find it hard to deal with possessiveness and jealousy. Your need for comfort and luxury may mean you attract partners who are overly materialistic or resistant to change. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize financial stability over emotional connection, leading to superficial bonds.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Venus/Taurus like genuine appreciation for beauty, loyalty, and a balanced approach to material and emotional security (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets).

You work to transform your shadow aspects by embracing change and developing emotional resilience; learn to recognize and address possessiveness and material dependency, integrating these aspects in ways that enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Gemini/Mercury in the 7th House

afflicted mercury

You find yourself attracted to witty, communicative, intellectually stimulating, and versatile partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own inconsistency and superficiality. You might find it hard to deal with indecisiveness and a tendency to avoid deep emotional connections. Your need for mental stimulation may mean you attract partners who are flighty or non-committal. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize intellectual engagement over emotional depth, leading to a lack of true intimacy.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Mercury/Gemini like genuine curiosity, adaptability, and effective communication (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets).

You work to transform your shadow aspects by developing emotional depth and commitment; learn to recognize and address indecisiveness and superficiality, integrating these aspects in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Cancer/Moon in the 7th House

afflicted mercury remedies

You find yourself attracted to nurturing, empathetic, emotionally intuitive, and protective partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own emotional dependency and moodiness. You might find it hard to deal with over-sensitivity and a tendency to cling to partners. Your need for emotional security may mean you attract partners who are overly protective or smothering. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize emotional caretaking over mutual growth, leading to suffocating dynamics.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Moon/Cancer like genuine empathy, emotional intelligence, and nurturing in a balanced way (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets).

You work to transform your shadow aspects by developing emotional independence and resilience; learn to recognize and address over-sensitivity and dependency, integrating these aspects in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Leo/Sun in the 7th House

afflicted moon meaning and remedies

You find yourself attracted to charismatic, confident, creative, and attention-seeking partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own need for validation and dominance. You might find it hard to deal with ego clashes and a tendency to overshadow your partner. Your need to feel special may mean you attract partners who are self-centered or overly dramatic. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize their own desires and recognition, leading to imbalanced dynamics.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Sun/Leo like genuine self-confidence, creativity, and generosity (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets).

You work to transform your shadow aspects by developing humility and mutual respect; learn to recognize and address ego-driven behaviors, integrating these aspects in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Virgo/Mercury in the 7th House

how to read a synastry chart

You find yourself attracted to practical, analytical, detail-oriented, and service-minded partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own tendency to criticize and overanalyze. You might find it hard to deal with perfectionism and a tendency to nitpick. Your need for (or lack of) order and efficiency may mean you attract partners who are overly critical or rigid. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize practicality over emotional connection, leading to sterile dynamics.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Mercury/Virgo like genuine helpfulness, analytical skills, and a balanced approach to improvement (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets).

You work to transform your shadow aspects by developing acceptance and flexibility; learn to recognize and address perfectionism and critical tendencies, integrating these aspects in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Libra/Venus in the 7th House

synastry aspects that show obsession

You find yourself attracted to charming, harmonious, diplomatic, and aesthetically inclined partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own inability to deal with conflict in a healthy way. You might find it hard to deal with superficiality and a tendency to avoid deeper issues. Your unacknowledged need for inner harmony may mean you attract partners who are indecisive or overly focused on appearances. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize peacekeeping over honest communication, leading to unresolved tensions.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Venus/Libra like genuine diplomacy, fairness, and a balanced approach to relationships (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets).

You work to transform your shadow aspects by embracing conflict as a path to growth and developing authenticity; learn to recognize and address people-pleasing tendencies, integrating these aspects in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Scorpio/Pluto in the 7th House

synastry aspects that show obsession

You find yourself attracted to intense, transformative, passionate, and deeply committed partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own fear of vulnerability and tendency to control. You might find it hard to deal with jealousy and power struggles. Your need for deep connection may mean you attract partners who are possessive or manipulative. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize control over mutual respect, leading to toxic dynamics.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Pluto/Scorpio like genuine transformation, emotional depth, and empowerment (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets). You work to transform your shadow aspects by embracing vulnerability and developing trust; learn to recognize and address control issues and jealousy, integrating these aspects in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 7th House

What is the Real Purpose of Astrology?

You find yourself attracted to adventurous, optimistic, philosophical, and freedom-loving partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own restlessness and unconscious tendency to avoid commitment. You might find it hard to deal with inconsistency and a tendency to overpromise. Your need for exploration may mean you attract partners who are unreliable or overly idealistic. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize their own freedom over stability, leading to unreliable dynamics.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Jupiter/Sagittarius like genuine optimism, wisdom, and a balanced approach to freedom (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets).

You work to transform your shadow aspects by developing commitment and reliability; learn to recognize and address restlessness and over-idealism, integrating these aspects in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Capricorn/Saturn in the 7th House

best synastry aspects for marriage

You find yourself attracted to disciplined, responsible, ambitious, and reliable partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own fear of failure and unconscious tendency to be overly critical. You might find it hard to deal with rigidity and a tendency to prioritize work over relationships. Your need for stability may mean you attract partners who are overly serious or emotionally distant. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize their own ambitions over emotional connection, leading to cold dynamics.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Saturn/Capricorn like genuine responsibility, ambition, and a balanced approach to discipline (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets). You work to transform your shadow aspects by developing emotional warmth and flexibility; learn to recognize and address fears of failure and overly critical tendencies, integrating these aspects in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Aquarius/Uranus in the 7th House

mars in 12th house synastry

You find yourself attracted to innovative, independent, unconventional, and intellectually stimulating partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own fear of conformity and an unconscious tendency to detach emotionally. You might find it hard to deal with unpredictability and a tendency to prioritize individuality over connection. Your need for freedom may mean you attract partners who are erratic or unreliable. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize their own independence over mutual commitment, leading to unstable dynamics.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Uranus/Aquarius like genuine innovation, independence, and a balanced approach to individuality (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets).

You work to transform your shadow aspects by developing emotional connection and stability; learn to recognize and address fears of conformity and detachment, integrating these aspects in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

Pisces/Neptune in the 7th House

mars in 12th house synastry

You find yourself attracted to compassionate, imaginative, spiritual, and empathetic partners.

But the shadow part of your personality may be your own tendency to escape reality and avoid confrontation. You might find it hard to deal with idealism and a tendency to overlook red flags. Your need for a deep, soulful connection may mean you attract partners who are elusive or unreliable. You may continuously manifest relationships with partners who prioritize fantasy over reality, leading to confusing or disappointing dynamics.

You will stop attracting the type when:

You consciously strive to express the higher manifestations of Neptune/Pisces like genuine compassion, imagination, and spiritual connection (find the full list in my Zodiac Cheatsheets).

You work to transform your shadow aspects by developing groundedness and clear boundaries; learn to recognize and address tendencies to escape or idealize, integrating these aspects in ways that benefit you and enrich your personal and professional experiences.

For more hidden aspects that secretly sabotage your relationships, grab my ‘Hack Your Love Aspects‘ book. It’s the game-changer you need to attract the partner who adores all of you and craves commitment as much as you do.

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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