The I Don’t Chase I Attract Affirmations That Manifested My Dream Husband

I don't chase I attract affirmations

These are some of the most powerful mindset affirmations to re-wire your subconscious and make you a magnet for the deep, committed relationship you’ve been craving for!

For years I was in an emotional rollercoaster of toxic relationships. Although I was effortlessly manifesting my money and career goals, and even manifesting a relationship with a specific person (now I know better than that), I stayed in this loop of co-dependency, manipulation and extremely unhealthy patterns that drained my body and soul.

After 13 years of trial and error and over $70K investment in my education and self-growth, I was able to finally ‘crack the code’ to manifesting.

I don't chase I attract affirmations

Once you understand the true meaning of ‘I don’t chase I attract’ affirmations

You’ll effortlessly manifest not just your dream partner, but any other dream or goal you have in your life. The hidden power of ‘I don’t chase I attract’ affirmations lies in the concept that you don’t actually draw things into your life with the affirmations themselves. No matter how good your affirmations are, they, don’ work this way.

Rather, you become a vibrational match to the relationship, the partner, the situation you desire so much, and by shifting your energy, you shift into a new reality.

Think of it this way. Even if there are unhealed, toxic, flaky men out there who don’t want to commit, once you STOP being a vibrational match to these men, somehow they will stop showing up in your reality.

‘I don’t chase I attract’ affirmations are all about gradually changing your inner world and helping you heal your insecurities so that you become a vibrational match to the healed high value man your heart craves for.

I don't chase I attract affirmations

‘Changing your inner world’ means changing your habitual thoughts; your habitual way of reacting to your circumstances; your habitual way of feeling and experiencing emotion.

Good affirmations help you to look at your life from a new perspective and gradually grow your faith, your mind power and your inner peace to become whole, happy and fulfilled regardless of the outer circumstances.

Once you embody this new personality of wholeness and inner peace, you will feel your heart so full of love that you will not be needy any more. You will stop needing love. And the moment you transform your needy energy into energy of wholeness and unconditional love, you will become a vibrational match to a man who also wants to give and share love.

What makes a good affirmation?

I don't chase I attract affirmations

There are two components to a ‘good affirmation’. First, it needs to hit a major pain point or limiting belief that acts as a blockage to your manifestation.

For example, by saying ‘It’s easy and probable to find a good man’, you are transforming the limiting belief that ‘there are no good man out there’.

By saying ‘I am a magnet for healthy love’, you are telling your subconscious mind to move towards people and situations that will help you heal and attract a healed, big-hearted man into your life.

Second, a good affirmation is charged with a strong emotion

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The subconscious mind cannot make the difference between imagination and reality when there is a strong feeling and emotion attached to the experience.

So, by practicing to attach a feeling to your affirmations, you are making them 10 times stronger. This is what ‘attracts’ your dream partner into your reality.

It’s the state you are in, not the words you are saying.

The positive affirmations you are saying are only tools to help you achieve this elevated state of consciousness and emotion you would be feeling when you have your wish fulfilled.

The positive affirmations you are saying are just that – affirming that your desired reality is already here. You just need to feel it in your body and see it in your mind.

To manifest my dream husband and marriage, I was not just religiously repeating affirmations, but also continually doing shadow work, karma cleansing rituals and a set of proven manifestation techniques to become a vibrational match to a healed, big-hearted man who was ready to commit and build a future with me.

You can consider joining my unparalleled manifestation program to embark on this magical process of healing and transformation.

Wholeheartedly yours,



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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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