Ancestral Astrology: You Got Your Zodiac Sign For A Reason

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Did you know that according to ancestral astrology you were born a Virgo or a Cancer or a Sagittarius for a reason?

Nothing is random in this world especially your birth!

Everything was calculated to the second by Universal law. You are part of your lineage, of your ancestral system. And this system needs different people with varying personalities and temperaments, with different talents and abilities. So, you were born, because LITERALLY your lineage, your ancestral system needed exactly this type of person.

Your presence fulfills a specific need within your ancestral system, suggesting that you carry particular qualities, talents, and temperaments desired by this system.

The intelligence of the lineage system, governed by its own set of rules and structures, seeks to understand the needs of our familial past—the desires, values, and roles its members perpetuate.

By calling upon individuals with distinct personalities and abilities, it ensures the lineage thrives and maintains its continuity.

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Even within a single family, siblings may display vastly divergent traits and values. Such distinct characteristics amongst relatives underscore the notion that each individual is a deliberate creation, tailored to meet the intricacies of their lineage.

The astrological framework is central to this system, with each constellation bestowing its inherent traits upon those born under its stars. These characteristics are not just coincidental but are integral to the ancestries that shape our very existence.

Engaging with this study offers you a unique lens through which to view your role in the cosmic tapestry, marked by stars and guided by ancestry.

Ancestral Astrology: Why Were You Born An Aries?

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As an Aries, the first sign in the zodiac, your birth coincides with the emergence of spring, a time of renewal and new beginnings. Being a cardinal sign, you are destined to initiate change and inspire action.

Your presence in your family may signal the need to move away from passivity and ignite a more assertive dynamic.

Aries Traits:

  • Element: Fire
  • Ruling Planet: Mars
  • Core Qualities: Bold, fearless, industrious

Your lineage calls upon your bold and fearless nature to confront challenges head-on, breaking through any inertia that may have held back your ancestors. With Mars as your guiding planet, your passion and drive are unmatched.

You embody the archetype of the warrior and protector, always ready to forge ahead.

Expressions of Aries Energy:

  • Protective: You are the shield for your loved ones.
  • Warrior Spirit: You face obstacles with courage.
  • Pioneer: You discover and pursue new ventures.

Your intuition and industrious temperament equip you with the ability to sense the opportune moments for action.

The true power of an Aries is in leading by example, setting a precedent for others to follow. With every bold step you take, you pave the way for prosperity, unlocking luck and abundance.

The more you align with the higher expression of your Aries sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Ancestral Astrology: Why Were You Born A Taurus?

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Taurus, one of the twelve zodiac signs, aligns with individuals born between April 20 and May 20. As a Taurus, you are intimately connected with the element of Earth, which resonates with qualities of stability and practicality.

In your ancestry, there may have been significant material challenges, such as losses of property, social status, or other substantial hardships that perturbed the family’s stability. Your birth under a Taurus sign suggests a time when your family line needed to consolidate, reclaim, and fortify its foundations.

Traits such as being tenacious and grounded are central to the Taurus character, which likely served as a response to the ancestral need for re-establishing solidity.

This connection to the Earth element enhances the feminine principle, bringing nurturing and reliability to the forefront.

Ruled by Venus, the planet that governs love, beauty, and money, your sensibilities lean towards sensuality and pleasure. Yet, as a Taurus, you harmonize these inclinations with a quest for stability.

The Venus influence endows you with an appreciation for the finer things in life and a desire to maintain a comfortable existence.

Furthermore, your Taurus lineage forms a basis that can withstand turbulence, characterized by your steady and resilient nature. In moments of uncertainty, you likely demonstrate an exceptional capacity to preserve and rebuild, ensuring the regeneration and lasting endurance of your and your family’s endeavors.

The more you align with the higher expression of your Taurus sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Ancestral Astrology: Why were you born a Gemini?

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As a Gemini, your birth ushers in an era of intellectual rejuvenation and thirst for discovery within your ancestral lineage. You were born with the purpose of acquiring extensive knowledge, forging novel relationships, and exploring the breadth of the world, which in turn breathes fresh inspiration, optimism, and happiness into your family’s narrative.

Your role is substantial; you are the bearer of enlightenment to your bloodline. With travel and communication at the heart of your sign, you’re tasked to disseminate wisdom and join the dots between people and ideas:

  • Intellectual Quests: Seek out learning opportunities and expand your mind.
  • Social Connectivity: Establish meaningful connections and thrive in social contexts.
  • Travel: Embrace cultural experiences and geographical exploration as a means of growth.

In your pursuit, it’s crucial to aim for the higher virtues of Gemini. Avoid the pitfalls of petty rumors, deceit, or flakiness, as these are the lower tendencies of your sign.

Strive always to embody the clarity and honesty that your sign is capable of, ensuring that your varied experiences heighten your family’s wisdom and do not lead you astray from your mission of pursuing truth and knowledge.

The more you align with the higher expression of your Gemini sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Ancestral Astrology: Why were you born a Cancer?

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Your existence as a Cancer is deeply intertwined with the nurturing qualities attributed to this zodiac sign. The cosmic alignment at your birth was destined to instill in you a deep-seated drive to foster a nurturing environment. Your key role is the preservation and celebration of familial warmth and rich traditions.

In your journey, your primary goal encompasses forging strong familial bonds and fostering a living space brimming with love and unity. As someone born under the sign of Cancer, you’re seen as the custodian of family heritage, actively engaged in honoring the elderly and reinforcing the pillars of your family’s customs and collective spirit.

Caring and community are paramount in your life. Carrying and emanating the essence of togetherness is your birthright and duty. This zodiac placement grants you an intrinsic ability to sympathize and provide emotional support, essential for maintaining family cohesion.

It falls upon your shoulders to ensure that the lineage thrives, with future generations upholding the values of harmony, affection, and familial solidarity. As a Cancer, you serve as the hearth’s keeper, invigorating your lineage with compassion and guiding principles that have weathered the test of time.

The more you align with the higher expression of your Cancer sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Ancestral Astrology: Why were you born a Leo?

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Your birth under the Leo sign was not a mere coincidence; it was a call to uphold the honor and traditions of those who came before you. Your inherent qualities—loyalty, courage, and the ability to lead—are essential for maintaining the respect and standing of your lineage.

Qualities of a Leo:

  • Honor: You’re expected to act with integrity and respect.
  • Duty: A sense of responsibility to your family and community guides your actions.
  • Self-respect: Pride in your achievements and self-worth fuels your confidence.
  • Leadership: Navigating challenges with charisma and decisiveness sets you apart.

As a Leo, your role is akin to that of a noble leader; you possess the unique capability to inspire and motivate those around you. You’re the torch that lights the way, encouraging others in your family to elevate their status and embrace their potential fully.

Role in the Ancestral Lineage:

  • Restoration: You are the key to restoring lost prestige to your family’s name.
  • Leadership: Whether in politics or other positions of influence, you’re destined to lead.
    • Dignity: Standing tall, you wear an invisible crown that demands respect.

Your birth into this zodiac sign was a purposeful event intended to benefit not just you but your entire ancestry. As a Leo, you are the beacon of strength, respect, and admiration within your family, representing the noble spirit of your heritage. Embrace the radiance of your sign, for it carries the legacy of your ancestors into the future.

The more you align with the higher expression of your Leo sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Ancestral Astrology: Why were you born a Virgo?

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If your astrological sign is Virgo, it is believed that you carry the burden of unveiling hidden truths within your family’s history. You are essential to the health of your lineage, as you inherit the role of the healer through examination and revelation of secrets that may have long been buried.

It’s your purpose to cast a light on these obscured aspects and bring them to the fore, fostering a sense of cleansing and purification in both spiritual and physical realms.

As a Virgo, your presence in the family is not coincidental; it’s instrumental in confronting and resolving the fatigue brought on by generational silences and suppressed facts. You stand as a beacon of sincerity, tasked with the sacred duty to restore integrity and truth where it has been lost or hidden.

  • Your Role:
    • Spiritual purifier
    • Revealer of concealed truths
  • Your Traits:
    • Sincerity in support of truth
    • Energetic disclosure of family secrets

You are not only a supporter of the world’s truth but a key figure in the grand scheme of your own family’s narrative. Embrace your mission of healing with the clarity and precision that is so quintessentially Virgo, knowing that your actions resonate with a deeper purpose that aligns with the cosmic order.

The more you align with the higher expression of your Virgo sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Ancestral Astrology: Why were you born a Libra?

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If your zodiac sign is Libra, you have astrologically inherited a mantle associated with a quest for justice and beauty. In the cosmic sense, you appear at a time when the scales have tipped, longing for redress and equilibrium.

Your arrival signifies a period where your ancestry may have encountered misjudgments or mockery, and part of your inherent purpose is to mend these fractures.

Your sign’s symbol—the Scales—illustrates the profound need for balance in your life and those around you.

Embracing Libra attributes involves nurturing a fair viewpoint, often acting as the mediator in situations where harmony is disrupted.

Born into this sign, you are also endowed with a heightened sense of aesthetics, capable of appreciating and reviving the elegance within your environment.

  • Key Qualities of a Libra:

The more you align with the higher expression of your Libra sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Ancestral Astrology: Why were you born a Scorpio?

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If you are born under the sign of Scorpio, typically between October 23 and November 21, you are considered part of a lineage that embraces profound transformation and depth.

At your core is a penchant for accessing realms and knowledge that others may shy away from.

Character Traits:

  • Perceptive: You have an innate ability to perceive what isn’t visible on the surface.
  • Resilient: You carry the strength to overcome extreme circumstances with a fierce ability to recover.

Your arrival in the family might coincide with times of challenging conversations among kin or transformative experiences.

Your presence can signal a period of significant trials or a test of endurance for your lineage.

Inherited Influence:

  • Energy Transformer: You have the potential to transmute the burdensome energies of your ancestry.
  • Life’s Rebirth: After hardships, you are equipped to foster renewal, signifying the rebirth of energy.

You are often the torchbearer in navigating through tough trials, holding the power to emerge victoriously and initiate pivotal changes.

The Scorpio spirit carries a blend of intensity and introspection, seeking answers to life’s deepest questions and secrets while contributing to the lineage’s enduring strength.

The more you align with the higher expression of your Scorpio sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Ancestral Astrology: Why Were You Born a Sagittarius?

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You embody the optimistic spirit needed to rejuvenate a lineage that has been marked by a prolonged sense of inertia and stagnation.

As a Sagittarius, your birth signifies the emergence of an explorer within your family, one who is destined to carve out new paths, inject fresh experiences, and set inspiring and ambitious goals.

Your role goes beyond mere exploration; it is to illuminate the path toward higher principles and aspirations for your lineage.

The arrival of a Sagittarian into a family often heralds a period of transformation.

It is a call to break free from limiting energies such as disgrace, submission, and disingenuous flattery. It emphasizes the importance of cultivating virtues like integrity and respect.

Your presence serves as a catalyst, encouraging your ancestors to shed the shackles of the past and embrace a future aligned with honesty and self-respect.

You, as a Sagittarius, are intrinsically connected to the natural world.

This connection is essential for the renewal of your familial line, as it encourages a return to the basics of life, fostering a profound respect for nature and the universe’s expansive wisdom.

The Sagittarius sign is characterized by a restless curiosity and an insatiable desire for knowledge, ensuring that you are always reaching toward the higher ideals of understanding and ethics.

The more you align with the higher expression of your Sagittarius sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Ancestral Astrology: Why were you born a Capricorn?

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When you find yourself born into a Capricorn sign, the universe has aligned to endow you with qualities that can uplift and solidify your family’s standing.

As a Capricorn, your birth is seen as a beacon of hope for your lineage, especially if it has faced challenging times.

Your presence suggests an innate capacity to lead with pragmatic vision and an eye for detail that discourages complacency or procrastination.

Key Qualities You Bring to Your Lineage:

  • Visionary Leadership: As a Capricorn, you don’t just see the world as it is; you see it as it could be. Your foresight often steers your family towards more stable and prosperous futures.
  • Attention to Detail: With meticulous care, you address the minute aspects of any task, ensuring no stone is left unturned. This helps in creating a foundation of thoroughness and reliability in your family’s endeavors.
  • Diligence: Your distaste for laziness propels you to work hard, motivating others in your lineage to do the same.
  • Roots and Stability: Born a Capricorn, you’re not just another leaf on your family tree – you’re the roots. Grounded in tradition and values, you catalyze a rebirth, fostering a rediscovery of heritage and identity.

Your emergence as a Capricorn isn’t a mere coincidence. It signifies an ascension, a drive toward success, and a destined path where your lineage does not dissipate but instead, finds solid ground.

Your zodiac sign reinforces a unity, and an innate determination to succeed is reflected within your bloodline.

The more you align with the higher expression of your Capricorn sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Ancestral Astrology: Why were you born an Aquarius?

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When you were born as an Aquarius, you entered a world where families often represent a tapestry of cultures, beliefs, and ideas.

This cross-pollination of experiences is no accident; it is the response of lineage to a need for revitalization and change.

Your Role:

  • Bringer of Eccentricity: Your presence injects a sense of the unconventional into your ancestral line, challenging status quos.
  • Destroyer of Monotony: By your very nature, you oppose the rigidity of routine and the banality of following the well-trodden path.

Your Impact:

  • Direction: You’re a compass for those feeling directionless, offering a fresh perspective and new possibilities.
  • Freedom and Audacity: With you, comes the courage to pursue the unexplored, to embrace autonomy, and to act boldly.
  • Adrenaline Source: Your essence is like a jolt of energy, cutting through inertia and stirring the adrenaline of life.

Your birth under the Aquarian sign is significant.

You are not bound by convention; rather, you push boundaries and introduce novel challenges.

Your family’s lineage sought someone who would question the existing patterns of thought and behavior. In response, you were born—an agent of change, fueling freedom and shaking the foundations that were once set in stone.

Ancestral Astrology: Why were you born a Pisces?

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At specific moments when families are drawn to reflection, you emerge under the Pisces sign. Your birth signifies a pivotal period where introspection and solitude become crucial to your ancestral line.

Pisces is the sign of depth and creativity, often tasked with introducing periods of quiet and seclusion needed to rethink tradition and innovation.

Your role is profound:

  • Insight: You are the bearer of deep understanding, capable of peering into the heart of any predicament.
  • Uniqueness: You stand apart from the crowd, often taking an approach less trodden, infused with your distinct character.
  • Faith and Art: You bridge the spiritual realms, wielding your faith as a beacon, and employ artistry as your means of expression.

As a Pisces, you embody the ‘creator’s energy.’ You often retreat from the outer chaos to forge your vision in tranquility. This characteristic aligns with the greater ancestral blueprint—there lies a time for community and a time for creative solitude, which you are born to balance.

Through your existence, you contribute these gifts to your lineage:

  • Reconciliation: You guide the healing of past grievances.
  • Solitude: You endorse the power of reflection for generational wisdom.
  • Creation: You craft masterpieces, both tangible and metaphysical, influencing your family’s narrative.

The more you align with the higher expression of your Pisces sun sign, the more power and protection you get from your ancestors. 

Download my Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets for a daily reminder of the lower and higher manifestations of each of your placements (fullest list you will ever find online).

Understanding your zodiac sign from this perspective really sheds further light onto your mission and on the simple truth that your existence matters!

We all carry great responsibility with our thoughts, actions and emotions, because our existence is part of a grand plan. It’s part of God’s plan, and the more we consciously strive to support it, the more luck, happiness and abundance we unlock in our life.

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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