How to Identify and Overcome Your Love Karma To Manifest Your Dream Relationship Fast

karma cleansing to manifest love

99.9% of manifestation coaches aren’t telling you this, but your love karma is a major manifestation block that’s sitting between you and your ‘Happily Ever After’.

I had this life-changing awakening a few years back when I fully devoted myself to healing and doing shadow work in order to break a 13 year toxic love pattern in my life.

Six months into my healing and transformational journey, I went on a few dates with someone who I caught lying, and I also found myself being attracted to divorced men who used to cheat on their ex wives.

This is when my higher self guided me towards a major revelation.

karma cleansing to manifest love

Even though I was doing immense inner work to become a vibrational match to a high value man, I still had some karmic load that was sitting between me and my big dream to get married and build a family with a good man.

I accepted a hard truth about myself that in this and possibly past lives, I had let people down by not being 100% genuine and honest in my interactions and relationships. In other words, I confessed that I had in both conscious and non-conscious ways interrupted the flow of love in my life by being hurtful or not completely honest with others.

For example, my last toxic relationship started with a guy, who hadn’t officially broken up with his girlfriend at the time. Although he ended things with her as soon as we decided we would be dating, I knew it in my heart that it was a karma-inducing situation.

How do you create love and relationship karma?

karma cleansing to manifest love

You can create love and relationship karma in more ways than you can imagine. Some of the obvious ways are lying, cheating, stealing someone else’s partner.

But, literally every thought, feeling, emotion or action that interrupts the flow of love in your heart is karma-inducing. For example, even telling a white lie is karma inducing. Feeling jealous of someone builds karma. Swearing, saying hurtful things to others. Even giving someone an angry look builds karma.

Unless you become aware of this and consciously work to cleanse your past and current karmic load, you are constantly accumulating karma that builds up and prevents you from manifesting your dreams.

Karma starts acting as a magnet for circumstances and relationships that draw your attention to the thoughts, feelings and behaviors you need to transform and elevate.

Simple karma cleansing habits to do daily and manifest a love and marriage beyond your dreams

karma cleansing to manifest love

In my full Love Manifesting Blueprint, I teach two groundbreaking rituals to release major karma blocks from the past. They act as deep cleansing of your soul and literally give you a fresh start in life.

Here I will share some powerful habits and rituals you can integrate daily that will help you to minimize your current karmic load and build dharma (positive karma) every day.

Remember that the most powerful way to release karma and build dharma is by committing to building your virtues every day.

Virtues are inner qualities like kind-heartedness, honesty, humility, being helpful, being grateful. Just by building this energy in your life through your daily actions, thoughts and feelings, you are already working towards releasing your karmic load and building a powerful magnetic field that attracts good people and partners into your life.

One of my favorite daily rituals that also acts as a karma cleansing technique is the ‘God Bless You’ manifesting technique

karma cleansing to manifest love

It’s all about seeing others, who have already achieved your dream and rather than feeling jealous, opening up your heart to bless them and send them good energy.

This is such a pleasant and heart-warming technique! It literally makes you a magnet for love and happiness. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

When you scroll through social media or go places (the coffee shop, the park, grocery shopping, a restaurant), aim to find couples or families who look genuinely happy.

Look at them (without staring) and focus your attention on your heart. Then, tell yourself the following – ‘What a lovely couple/family, I hope they are genuinely happy together.’

Open up your heart and genuinely wish them all the happiness in the world. Repeat a few times in your mind ‘God, please bless these people and their souls. God, bless their souls and let them be genuinely happy together.’

Do this as many times as you can throughout the day, but don’t dwell on this small act of goodness you’ve done. Forget it as soon as you say your blessings and send your good thoughts.

Just keep the good feeling within and try to grow it as much as you can one day after the other.

karma cleansing to manifest love

Try to grow this feeling of love and good-heartedness towards others as much as you can.

The more you grow this feeling, the more you release your karmic load and become powerfully magnetic to a love and relationship that will exceed even your wildest dreams.

Try this daily manifestation ritual for 3 weeks and come back to tell me what is happening in your life!

Wholeheartedly yours,


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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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