Why Am I So Tired? Astrology Holds The Answer In Your Moon Sign

why am I so tired astrology

Did you know that you can feel absolutely drained if you are not connected to the basic needs of your Moon sign?

As a Leo moon, who craves luxury, acknowledgement and praise, I have experienced this time and again. A recent example is just last week when I was feeling extremely low on energy, and I also felt like I was catching a cold.

Then a client of mine called me to say how happy they are with the work we’ve been doing together, as she is finally finalizing the purchase of her dream home… And asking me if I would be able to free some time in my schedule for a friend… And my condition immediately transformed. I instantly felt a burst of energy and enthusiasm. I literally got well in a few minutes.

You could say this would be everyone’s reaction… But truth of the matter is, one of the innermost needs – praise and recognition – of my Leo Moon was met, and I immediately felt better. 

Yes, it’s as simple as that! 

The Moon represents our emotional core

why am I so tired astrology

and reflects our hidden desires and subconscious cravings. It reveals the way we seek comfort, security, and nurturing. When our Moon’s needs are met, we shine like a full moon ????, but if they’re neglected, we might feel like a waning crescent ???? – drained and out of sync.

Unfortunately, most of us have been conditioned to ignore our deepest, basic needs and to even reject them or feel shameful of them. Ever since childhood, we are being ‘trained’ to fit into a norm – the norm of our society, or the family framework. Often the soul chooses to be brought up in a family where the ‘norm’ clashes with the emotional profile with which it is dressed in this lifetime. This happens, because our purpose here on Earth is to learn and to evolve. 

Once we learn to accept, value and respect the innermost needs of our Moon sign, we not only feel more energized – we continually improve our physical and mental health.

If you are feeling drained, it could be your Moon sending an SOS!

why am I so tired astrology

Here’s how you can revitalize your spirit by meeting your Moon’s needs:


Aries Moon:

why am I so tired astrology

Craves excitement and independence. Engage in active pursuits and embrace spontaneity!

If you have an Aries Moon, you need to feel independent and self-sufficient. To revitalize your spirit, you can:

  • Take on a new challenge or project that allows you to showcase your skills and abilities
  • Engage in physical activities that make you feel strong and powerful, such as martial arts or weightlifting
  • Spend time alone to recharge your batteries and reflect on your goals and aspirations

Taurus Moon:

why am I so tired astrology

Seeks comfort and stability. Indulge in sensory pleasures and create a cozy haven.

If you have a Taurus Moon, you need to feel secure and comfortable. To revitalize your spirit, you can:

  • Treat yourself to a luxurious experience, such as a spa day or a gourmet meal
  • Surround yourself with beauty and comfort, such as soft blankets, scented candles, and fresh flowers
  • Engage in activities that engage your senses, such as cooking, gardening, or listening to music

Gemini Moon:

why am I so tired astrology

Desires intellectual stimulation and social connection. Engage in meaningful conversations and stay curious.

If you have a Gemini Moon, you need to feel mentally stimulated and socially connected. To revitalize your spirit, you can:

  • Engage in intellectual pursuits, such as reading, writing, or learning a new language
  • Connect with like-minded people through social media, online forums, or local meetups
  • Attend events that allow you to learn, network, and exchange ideas with others

Cancer Moon:

why am I so tired astrology

Longs for emotional security and nurturing. Surround yourself with close friends and family.

If you have a Cancer Moon, you need to feel emotionally secure and nurtured. To revitalize your spirit, you can:

  • Spend time with loved ones who make you feel safe and supported
  • Create a cozy and comfortable home environment that reflects your personal style and values
  • Engage in activities that allow you to express your creativity and emotions, such as painting, writing, or dancing

Leo Moon:

why am I so tired astrology

Needs recognition and self-expression. Let your creative flair shine and bask in the spotlight!

If you have a Leo Moon, you need to feel admired and appreciated. To revitalize your spirit, you can:

  • Engage in activities that allow you to express your creativity and show off your talents, such as acting, singing, or performing
  • Surround yourself with people who admire and respect you, such as friends, fans, or followers
  • Take pride in your accomplishments and celebrate your successes with confidence and joy

Virgo Moon:

why am I so tired astrology

Craves order and practicality. Organize your surroundings and engage in self-care routines.

If you have a Virgo Moon, you need to feel organized and efficient. To revitalize your spirit, you can:

  • Create a structured and productive routine that allows you to accomplish your goals and tasks
  • Engage in activities that require attention to detail and precision, such as cooking, crafting, or organizing
  • Focus on self-improvement and personal growth by learning new skills, taking courses, or reading self-help books

Libra Moon:

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why am I so tired astrology

Seeks harmony and companionship. Cultivate balanced relationships and aesthetic surroundings.

If you have a Libra Moon, you need to feel balanced and harmonious. To revitalize your spirit, you can:

  • Surround yourself with beauty and elegance, such as art, music, and fashion
  • Engage in activities that promote balance and harmony, such as yoga, meditation, or dance
  • Cultivate relationships that are based on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation

Scorpio Moon:

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why am I so tired astrology

Longs for depth and transformation. Embrace your passions and delve into the mysteries of life.

If you have a Scorpio Moon, you need to feel intense and transformative. To revitalize your spirit, you can:

  • Engage in activities that allow you to explore your deepest emotions and desires, such as therapy, journaling, or dream analysis
  • Connect with people who share your passion and intensity, such as artists, activists, or spiritual seekers
  • Embrace change and transformation as a natural part of your personal growth and evolution

Sagittarius Moon:

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why am I so tired astrology

Desires adventure and expansion. Explore new horizons and embrace a free-spirited mindset.

If you have a Sagittarius Moon, you need to feel free and adventurous. To revitalize your spirit, you can:

  • Explore new horizons and expand your knowledge and experience through travel, study, or exploration
  • Engage in activities that challenge your limits and broaden your perspective, such as extreme sports, public speaking, or activism
  • Connect with people who share your love of adventure and exploration, such as fellow travelers, scholars, or philosophers

Capricorn Moon:

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why am I so tired astrology

Needs achievement and structure. Set goals and work towards your ambitions with determination.

If you have a Capricorn Moon, you need to feel accomplished and respected. To revitalize your spirit, you can:

  • Set ambitious goals and work hard to achieve them, using your discipline and determination to overcome obstacles and challenges
  • Cultivate a reputation for excellence and professionalism in your chosen field or industry
  • Surround yourself with people who appreciate your work ethic and admire your achievements, such as colleagues, mentors, or authority figures

Aquarius Moon:

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why am I so tired astrology

Craves innovation and individuality. Connect with like-minded souls and embrace your uniqueness.

If you have an Aquarius Moon, you require a sense of individuality and the freedom to explore your innovative ideas. To nourish your emotions, you can:

Embrace your unique qualities and don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd, valuing your originality.

Engage in intellectual pursuits that allow you to expand your knowledge and contribute to progressive or humanitarian causes.

Connect with a diverse group of friends who share your passion for change and enjoy thought-provoking conversations

Pisces Moon:

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why am I so tired astrology

Longs for empathy and spiritual connection. Engage in artistic pursuits and practice mindfulness.

If you have a Pisces Moon, you crave emotional depth and a connection to the ethereal. To feed your soul, you can:

Explore your emotional depths through artistic and creative outlets, such as music, art, writing, or even daydreaming

Allow yourself moments of solitude and introspection to navigate the complex landscape of your feelings

Surround yourself with empathetic and understanding individuals who appreciate your sensitivity and offer a supportive environment for your emotional exploration.

Remember, meeting your Moon’s needs isn’t just a luxury – it’s a necessity for your emotional well-being. By understanding and embracing these core desires, you can unlock a wellspring of energy that lights up your life like a dazzling lunar display!

Avatar for Dawn Rose

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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