Are Zodiac Signs Accurate? The Hidden Truth About YOUR Zodiac Sign That Will Change Your Life

Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

Astrology has become so popular over the last couple of years (and even more so in the current year, which has turned out to be super challenging for us all), mostly because of its predictive powers.

Having a good astrologer ‘peep’ into your future, and give some ‘logical’ explanation as to why something is happening in your life and when things are likely to turn out for the better offers somewhat of a relief.

And indeed, a relatively good astrologer can do just that – almost ‘magically’ offer a surprisingly good prediction of when money will start flowing back into your pocket; when you will meet a special someone that will make your heart flutter with joy; or when your health condition will likely improve.

I have seen this time and over again, and in fact it happens all the time with many of my clients, who are mostly interested in the predictive power of astrology – I constantly get emails, messages, and calls, telling me ‘You were right! I didn’t believe it, but things turned out EXACTLY as you told me, at the EXACT time you predicted.’

And, yes, I get it – the predictive power of astrology can provide HUGE relief, and I admit I have used it as such on numerous occasions during certain dark hours of my life.

But what if I told you that

There is something A LOT BETTER than an amazing astrologer, who can give you very accurate and timely predictions?

Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

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What if I told you that there is deeper knowledge, deeper truth that can give you A LOT more power over your destiny? Something that can serve as a better soul remedy than a prediction, telling you things will improve in two months, for example?

What if I told you the knowledge I am about to give you will enable you to neutralize the blows of fate before they even happen to you?

How can it be, you may ask? Well, if you’ve landed on this page you’re in luck, because my mission is to give you a whole new perspective on astrology that is a lot more wholesome and involves A LOT MORE of your free will in it. And I am going to reveal to you the exact, actionable steps you can take today in order to take full advantage of this knowledge.

This is the type of astro knowledge that can literally change your life overnight!

venus love spell ritual

The first step to unlocking the true power of this knowledge is learning the Hidden Truth About Your Zodiac Sign.

You see, we are all curious to learn interesting facts about our zodiac signs and to discover explanations as to why we behave in certain ways, but is this all to it? Indeed, reading about your zodiac sign is a fun and entertaining way to self-discovery, but did you know there is a lot more to it?

First of all, what IS your zodiac sign?

Your zodiac sign shows where the Sun was placed when you were born. This means that your zodiac sign is in fact your Sun sign, and it is one of the most important positions in your natal chart.

Truth of the matter is, however, that very few people know why the sun sign is such a crucial placement in your natal chart. Everyone knows general things like Cancers are emotional, Virgos are practical, Taurus love to eat.

However, here’s what truly matters about your zodiac sign and what can totally transform your life.

The hidden truth about your zodiac sign is… that it is the one thing in your natal chart that reveals your most important mission and task for you in this lifetime. The higher manifestation of your Sun sign is in fact what you MUST be STRIVING to achieve in this lifetime.

If you’ve read a few other pieces on this blog, you would’ve learned that your natal chart is in fact a revelation of God’s (or the Universe’s) plan for you for this lifetime. And the better you align with this plan, the more joyful, fulfilling, and filled with love and light your life will be! This isn’t to say you will never experience heartbreak or get sick, or lose your job – no, some of these things may happen to you, but once you learn how to better align with your horoscope (or God’s will), you will be able to turn things around in your favor a lot quicker, and life’s hardships will feel a lot lighter and A LOT easier to deal with than before!

How is this different from what you have believed so far?

Here’s how:

First of all, the qualities, associated with your zodiac sign are not given to you. Yes, indeed, you may be a lot more emotional as a Cancer, but the MORE IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE about your zodiac signs is that you must be striving to develop the higher manifestation of the qualities, associated with it. This is in fact a task, a mission God has sent you with – not a given you may take for granted. For example, if you are a Virgo, you may be super analytical and punctual; but did you also know that the highest manifestation of this zodiac sign is serving others? Did you know that if you consciously strive to serve people in your life, you will immediately change your destiny? It may sound oversimplified, yet indeed, this is one of the most critical and important steps you need to take in order to neutralize a lot of the hard aspects in your natal chart that may currently be giving you trouble in all areas of your life.

You should also check out: 

Why zodiac signs can mislead you about love compatibility

What Horoscope Am I TRULY Compatible With?

What Zodiac Sign Am I MOST Compatible With? ‘McDonald’s’ Astrology vs The TRUTH!

Here’s The Hidden Truth About Each Zodiac Sign:


Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Aries and its ruling planet, Mars, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

Aries, stop associating yourselves with war – start perceiving yourselves as warriors of light! Your highest mission here on Earth is to give an initial impulse for others to grow. You are noble knights that are ready to stand up for those, who are underprivileged and are unable to speak out their truth.

You, Aries, must be striving to be the initiators of good deeds. You must be striving to give an impulse of growth or of new life in any form. You must be striving to develop a strong will for the highest good of your soul.

The higher manifestation of the Aries Sun sign also involves spreading joy and enthusiasm to everyone around. You have the ability to help others re-kindle their own spark, inspiring everyone around you. If you consciously strive to do just that, you will see the difficult situations in your life quickly transforming and you will start attracting the things you truly desire!

You must strive to lead people through you authentic inner light of exhilaration, joy, and positivity. You are able to help others re-gain their strength by directing your inner power in a constructive, positive way. All this can be applied both in your personal life, in your social circle and friends, and with random individuals you meet every day. Strive to spread that impulse of life and positivity everywhere you go! Strive to be the encourager not the destructor! Strive to develop a will that cannot be crushed.

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Pride; selfishness; being too frank without considering other people’s feelings; impatience

This also applies to you if you have the Sun in your first house.

Use this affirmation daily: I have a diamond will and thus all hardships have to step away from me. 


Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Taurus and its ruling planet, Venus, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

Taurus, you must be striving to bring stability into your life and the life of others, without becoming overly materialistic. You must be striving to be good with your financial deeds, without becoming stingy, and you must strive to help others do the same.

You must strive to nurture your love and respect towards nature and food, without giving into laziness and gluttony. Seeing and creating beauty in everything around you is something that you should consciously try to achieve! It could be by taking care of a garden, creating beautiful cakes and meals, singing, dancing, through another form of art expression, or simply helping family and friends sort out their financial matters – all these are manifestations of the Taurus energy, and all that matters is that you use your intention to develop the BEST qualities of your Sun sign.

You must consciously strive to develop your loyalty, your persistence, and your ability to get things through the end. Your biggest strength can be your consistency in any endeavor you undertake, and this is something you can teach others, too.

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Gluttony; stinginess; being inflexible and hard to adapt to new things; being unforgiving; being too stubborn

All this also applies to you if you have the Sun in your second house.

Use this affirmation daily: God’s Love brings the abundance in life. 


Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Gemini and its ruling planet, Mercury, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

Dear Gemini, your main challenge in this lifetime is to learn to use the written and spoken word in the most inspiring and constructive way possible! You must strive to collect knowledge and information, assimilate it, and spread it towards others in a way that is truthful, helpful, and enables them to learn something useful and uplifting.

You, yourself must strive to perceive yourself as a student of life at all times and must aim to learn from the BEST sources you can find. You must aim to make your speech clear, and avoid spreading misleading information.

You must strive to perceive yourself as an inspirer through the spoken and written word, and aim to nurture and hone this talent of yours. You must nurture your creativity, curiosity for life, your ingeniousness, good-will, and your ability to adapt to any situation.  Thus, you can serve as an inspiration to those around you!

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Gossip; information overload that doesn’t serve any good purpose; inconsistency; lying

Use this affirmation daily: My speech is truthful, beautiful, and sweet.


astrology cheatsheets

Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Cancer and its ruling planet, the Moon, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

You are the caregiver, Cancer, and you must strive to provide nurture, care, protection and compassion to everyone around you in a truly selfless kind of way. You must strive to get in touch with your emotions in a way that you can use their power for creation, rather than destruction.

You must strive to trust your intuition and learn to distinguish between the voice of your true higher self and the other voices that are trying to pull you down. You must strive to use your sensitivity in a way that enables you to better navigate through life.

Most of you, Cancers, were also born with the mission to build a family and raise children, so, striving to accomplish this in a way that creates more harmony and joy in the world around you is also something you should be aiming for in your life.

You must be striving to preserve the family traditions, keep in touch with your roots, and teach everyone around you the true value of being kind, selfless, caring, and compassionate. To do all that, you must not forget to nurture self-care and the ability to deal with your own emotions first.

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

‘Suffocating’ others with your care; apathy; depression; moodiness; inconsistency.

This also applies to you if you have the Sun in your fourth house.

Use this affirmation daily: I let go of the past. I forgive myself and others. I love and approve myself.


astrology cheatsheets

Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Leo and its ruling planet, the Sun, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

You, Leos, are the sign that must be striving to shine bright like a diamond in the most creative, artistic, and inspiring kind of ways without being too self-centered and self-possessed. You are the natural leader that gives life to almost any project and initiative, charging others with your optimism and faith in the good outcome.

You are given the mission and task to nurture and grow your creative expression in all forms of life, without being overly dramatic in your communication and endeavors.

Leos are ruled by the Sun, and you must be striving to be just like him – a true creator of light, a selfless giver, someone who spreads warmth and light, without expecting anything in return.

Leos should be striving to develop their generosity, their ability to bring new things to life, and aim to develop the kind of noble nature that suits a true king that is kind, forgiving, and caring. The sign of Leo is associated with the heart chakra, and you should be striving to open up your heart chakra, filling it with warmth and light that spreads to the whole world.

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Vanity; egocentrism; believing others owe you.

Use this affirmation daily: My heart is warm, my soul is fresh, my mind is light, my spirit is strong.


astrology cheatsheets

Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Virgo and its ruling planet, Mercury, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

You, Virgos have the mission to show the world purity in its highest form. You were born with this Sun sign with the mission to pursue a pure life both on the outside and on the inside. You should be striving to eat, live, and work in a clean environment and be careful not to let your heart and soul get ‘spotted’ with negative thinking, jealousy, and any other feeling that brings ‘dirt’ into your soul.

The highest manifestation of your sign’s energy, Virgos, is serving others in a way that is selfless, humble, and doesn’t put the highlight on you.

You should be striving to serve as an inspiration for others with a healthy lifestyle, creating an eco-friendly environment for you and your loved ones. Try to nurture and grow your inborn pre-disposition to order, punctuality, cleanliness, and a simple life that is focused on service and humbleness. Serving a cause, a profession, or society is an inborn desire of yours that you must nurture and follow. Following a healthy diet is great not only for your body, but for your mind, too!

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Hairsplitting, being too critical; focusing on the details, and not being able to see the ‘big picture’; being careless; being too career-centered

Use this affirmation daily: My heart is pure as a crystal, my mind is light as the Sun, my soul is wide as the Universe.


astrology cheatsheets

Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Libra and its ruling planet, Venus, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

Libras! You were born under this Sun sign with the mission to constantly strive for beauty and harmony in everything you do, especially your relationships. Your biggest weakness is your indecisiveness, and once you overcome this, you can focus on spreading kindness everywhere you go.

If you were born under the sign of Libra, you must be consciously aiming to find a beautiful, artistic expression in everything you do – your communication with others, your job, your intimate and work relationships. Your biggest challenge during this lifetime is to really learn the lesson that different types of relationships have for you.

The other area you could be striving to develop in your life is art in all forms. You, Libras, have an inborn aesthetic feeling, which you should nurture and develop. Your true mission is to bring beauty in all areas of your life – your profession, your relationships, and in society as a whole. You were born with a diplomatic and tolerant nature, and you should aim to further enhance that.

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Indecisiveness; being too superficial; avoiding conflict at all cost; being too dependent on your partner.

Use this affirmation daily: I will preserve the balance in my soul. I will preserve the balance in my life, in the good in me and in everyone around me.


astrology cheatsheets

Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Scorpio and its ruling planet, Pluto, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

If you are a Scorpio, you were born under one of the most transformative, deep-reaching signs of the zodiac! Your main mission in life is to strive for constant inner growth and transformation. You were born with intrinsic psychic powers and the ability to see deep in people’s souls, so you must strive to further hone and develop these qualities as a lightworker.

As a Scorpio, you must strive to transform each life crisis into an opportunity for growth, and eventually be able to empower others to do the same. You have an inborn instinct for self-healing and survival, and you should further hone this instinct without hurting and manipulating others. You were born to be extremely goal-oriented, with the ability to manage huge resources and power, so you have a great responsibility to channel this in the right way.

Scorpio is undoubtedly one of the most powerful signs, and you have the mission to stand up against your own shadow, releasing this huge force within your soul, after you deal with your own internal blockages. You have the mission and task to overcome three life trials – power, sex, and death.

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Manipulating others (including through sex and power struggles); being overly possessive of people and things; being an energy vampire; giving into low vibration passions.

Use this affirmation daily: No fear, no darkness, only Love and Light I create in my life.


astrology cheatsheets

Hidden truth about your zodiac signHidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Sagittarius and its ruling planet, Jupiter, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

Sagittarius, you could be named ‘The Seeker of Truth’! Your main mission in this lifetime is to constantly widen your horizons, both literally (by travelling and getting in touch with other cultures), and figuratively – by being a spiritual seeker of the eternal truths.

You have an inborn instinct of nobleness and righteousness, and you should strive to hone that in any way possible. It is not a coincidence that your sign is associated with the mystical being centaur – you must strive to tame the wild animal nature of the horse horse with the far-reaching mind of the human being, constantly striving to reach new heights in your explorations.

You have the instinct to change the world around you, making it lighter, happier, and better, and this is what you must consciously strive to do. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is the planet of priests, shamans, and brahmins, and you unite the qualities of all these within. Your soul is naturally thirsty for spiritual explorations, and you must not interrupt its flight.

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Being haughty and believing you know it all; spending too much; being overly indulgent with entertainment, food, and love affairs; dictatorship over others.

Use this affirmation daily: Only the light path of wisdom leads to Truth. It gives me constant joy.


astrology cheatsheets

Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Capricorn and its ruling planet, Saturn, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

Dear Capricorns, you were born with the mission to show everyone around you what it is like to have a goal and follow it through. You have an inborn sense of discipline, order, and hierarchy that you must hone and develop without becoming fanatic about it.

You sign is also closely related to fear, obstacles, and karma, so you have a task to master all these in one way or another. You must strive to learn how to deal with hardships and difficulties in a disciplined, patient way; how to overcome your fears; and how to deal with past karma, while building a better future for yourself.

You have the mission to become friends with Saturn, the ruler of your sign, and the so-called malefic, learning his good qualities and mastering them to perfection. Worry not, you are given the patience and perseverance needed to do that! Turn your practical nature and your structured approach to life into your best friends, and you will massively improve your life!

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Being too conservative; being emotionally distant; being proud and hard-to-reach; being overly ambitious; being too stingy

Use this affirmation daily: Love is the highest peak in this world. Wisdom is the greatest force in life. Truth contains the most beautiful world within.


astrology cheatsheets

Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Aquarius and its ruling planet, Uranus, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

Dear Aquarius, you were born under this Sun sign with the mission to strive for freedom, innovation, and invention in its most futuristic and far-reaching form! You were born with a sharp intuition and an extremely distinctive individuality that you must hone and develop in a way that will benefit society.

You are one of the most sociable signs, and you should be aiming to contribute to your community in the most altruistic and beneficial way. You were born with the mind of an inventor and the soul of a revolutionary, and you must be striving to tame these qualities in a way that they benefit everyone around you.

You are an idealist with an enthusiastic heart, and it is important that you fight for a cause that excites you, while attracting more like-minded people towards it. You were born with the intrinsic knowledge that we are all equal, we are all one, and you are able to pass on these ideals to others.

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Being overly extravagant; being to rash in your actions and decisions; being inconsistent; being cynical.

Use this affirmation daily: In Truth lies the freedom of one’s Soul.


astrology cheatsheets

Hidden truth about your zodiac sign

You can also find the MOST EXHAUSTIVE list of nouns, adjectives and verbs, describing Pisces and its ruling planet, Neptune, in The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets Here.

Dear Pisces, you were born under this zodiac sign to teach others about self-sacrifice, oneness, and the beauty of the spiritual world, which you feel at one with. You were born with this intrinsic spirituality of yours, which you must strive to hone and refine towards its highest form.

You were born with the knowledge and power to serve and heal others, and in order to do that, you must strive to gain the purity of your opposite sign – Virgo. You must strive to be able to detach from other people’s pain, as you tend to absorb other people’s negativity through your compassion.

You have a mystic, almost out-of-this-world nature that must be integrated into this incarnation, so that you can grow as you serve others and teach them about true selflessness, compassion, and oneness with each other and The Universe.

In order to be able to do that, you must be able to also find your own identity, which can be difficult and confusing for you in the physical world. This is why you must consciously work on your spiritual development, so that the lower manifestations of your sign don’t surface (i.e. drug and alcohol abuse, denial, and inability to deal with everyday life).

What you should consciously strive to avoid:

Playing the victim; being hypocritical; using drugs and/or alcohol to escape this reality; lying to yourself.

Use this affirmation daily: I live in God and God lives in me. And in God no sickness or wrong exists. Therefore my mind is crystal clear, I am healthy and centered.

To wrap it up, these short explanations for each of the zodiac signs give you the most important pillars of your life. These are the qualities and ideals you must be consciously striving for every day, no matter what your social status, your profession, or your current situation in life.

The inner growth that happens as you do this will drastically transform the energy field around you, and you will ‘magically’ start attracting more of the things you desire in life – more love, more friendships, more money, more attention, better career growth. Why? Because you are better aligning yourself with God’s plan for your life, and by doing this, the Universe is giving you more abundance and more good luck!

In doing God’s Will, lies the strength of my soul!

Repeat this daily and Bless you!

If you would like to get a personalized insight into your natal chart from an evolutionary point of view in order to gain more power over your destiny, drastically transform all negative aspects, and learn actionable steps to quickly manifesting your deepest dreams and desires through little-known astro-magic, affirmations and spells, personalized for YOU – order a personalized reading here.

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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