This Virgo FULL MOON’s Secret Message for YOU

afflicted moon meaning and remedies

This Virgo Full Moon, happening On Saturday, February 24th, 2024, at 7:28 AM EST is very special for a number of reasons:

  • It marks the final Full Moon for the astrological year. The New Astrological year starts with the New Moon in Aries on the 8th of April 2024.
  • It is closely related to the healing energy of Chiron, who recently aligned with the North Node in Aries.
  • It is happening on the Virgo-Pisces axis of purification, mind-soul balancing and manifestation through practical spirituality. This is further emphasized by Saturn, who is still swimming in the waters of Pisces.

So, in a nutshell, this Virgo Full Moon’s secret message for you is…

…to heal your sense of identity…

…by recognizing where you hold onto suffering…

Realizing that the process of manifestation

is mostly about PURIFICATION…

This Virgo Full Moon teaches you to…

Find new ways to integrate spirituality into your daily life and ask yourself…

What is my role in maintaining suffering into my life?

Where am I losing myself and what parts of my identity I need to embrace and re-integrate into my life?

How have I embodied the victim mentality?

And how do I heal my identity through inner purification and practical spirituality?

If you are serious about your spiritual journey, make sure you explore some of the tools I have created to help you on it. My Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets serve as a daily reminder for the lower and higher manifestations of each planet, zodiac sign and house. They help you easily and effortlessly align with the higher expression of each of your placements. And my Hack Your Love Aspects guide helps you improve all of your relationships by transforming the hidden subconscious blocks that make you suffer in love and in any other connection you form.

afflicted moon meaning and remedies

This purification and self-discovery process has already started

Pisces season and Chiron, coming together with the North Node in Aries all work together to escalate the inner purification and healing process that this Virgo FULL Moon pushes you into.

The interplay of practical spirituality and inner purification is further emphasized by the fact that Mercury, the ruler of the Moon is in Pisces, together with the Sun.

This energy is bringing out subconscious beliefs and fears that need to be lit up by our consciousness, processed and elevated on a whole new level.

You may be having vivid dreams prior to the FULL Moon and they will guide you onto the fears, inner blockages and areas of your life that need to be purified and transformed.

Saturn is still in Pisces as well and this Virgo Full Moon further pushes you to realize that the process of manifesting your dreams and desires (Saturn in Pisces) is FIRST and foremost about purification.

saturn in pisces astro remedies

Pisces represents our subconscious mind, so the energy of this Virgo Full Moon reminds us that to manifest something into our reality, we need to purify and cleanse our subconscious mind.

And this includes past and current karma as well.

This is why this Virgo Full Moon energy might also manifest as physical pain in your spine, bones, knees or anything related to your skeleton. This is your sign to pray, meditate, give and ask for forgiveness and keep your vibe high.

I will be sharing a cord cutting Full Moon ritual, which is very aligned with the energy of this Virgo Full Moon, so make sure you follow me on Instagram for the practical spirituality insights you need in your life right now.

More about the Virgo Full Moon

saturn in pisces astro remedies

During this Virgo full moon, you’ll find an opportunity to reflect on the different aspects of your life associated with Virgo and Pisces themes. The full moon in Virgo comes to oppose the Sun in Pisces, bringing a balance to our spiritual pursuits and practical aspects of our lives. By focusing on the moon’s opposing position, you can evaluate different aspects of your life through the lens of Virgo, like precision and criticism, ultimately allowing for growth and improvement.

This full moon can help you discover areas of your life where you might be holding on to suffering and guide you in releasing it. Moreover, the ongoing Chiron and North Node conjunction in Aries adds to the healing energy of this lunar event, allowing you to evaluate and rebuild your sense of identity.

Overall, the upcoming Virgo full moon offers a fantastic opportunity for personal growth and reflection, helping you uncover areas of your life in which you can improve and expand your understanding of the universe and yourself.

Astrological Elements of Pisces Season

saturn in pisces astro remedies

The Sun’s Journey into Pisces

As the Sun enters Pisces, it marks the beginning of an exciting time for you! This season is particularly significant for those who have a strong Pisces presence in their birth chart. During this period, you’ll be encouraged to explore and understand your spiritual aspects more deeply, while evaluating your connection to the three-dimensional world.

Pisces Attributes and Personal Contemplations

sun in pisces

Read all about Sun in Pisces and Moon in Pisces

As you delve into Pisces season, it’s essential to examine the characteristics associated with this sign and how they relate to your personal experiences. Here are some key attributes of Pisces and questions to consider during this season:

  • Empathy and sensitivity: Pisces is known for being exceptionally compassionate and in tune with the emotions of others. Take time this season to consider how your empathetic nature contributes to your relationships and how you interact with the world around you.
  • Spirituality and intuition: Pisces possesses a strong connection to the spiritual realm and often relies on their intuition to guide them in life. Reflect on your own spiritual beliefs and practices, and consider whether you are allowing your intuition to play an active role in your decision-making process.
  • Creativity and imagination: As a highly creative sign, Pisces is known for their vivid imagination and ability to see the world through a unique lens. Consider whether you are nurturing your creative passions and using them to bring positive change into your life and the lives of others.
  • Virgo Full Moon Reflection: During Pisces season, the full moon in Virgo prompts you to reflect on the balance between practicality and spirituality. As you consider your spiritual goals, think about how you can integrate them into your everyday reality. How can you express your creative or spiritual aspirations while being grounded and precise in your approach?

Pisces season offers an excellent opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. By examining the characteristics associated with this mysterious sign, you can deepen your understanding of your own spiritual journey and foster a greater connection to the world around you. Embrace the powerful energy of Pisces season and use it to guide you in making positive changes in your life.

Full Moon in Virgo Excitement

sun in pisces

Energies of Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo

The full moon in Virgo is happening on February 24th, and it’s an exciting time! As a tropical astrologer, I am thrilled about this event. During this time, the Sun is in Pisces while the Moon is in Virgo. This allows for a fantastic opportunity to reflect on your spiritual journey and how it connects with your practical, day-to-day life.

Insights into Lunar House and Sun House Connections

When the Moon opposes the Sun, we have a marvelous chance to delve into the themes of the lunar house where the Moon is, in relation to the house where the Sun is. With the majority of activity happening in the signs between Aquarius and Taurus, there’s a strong emphasis on understanding what matters in our collective experience, as well as how it fits into our individual ideals and values.

Exploring Societal and Collective Aspirations

This Virgo full moon is an excellent time to consider how to make our spiritual aspirations practical. The balance between Pisces’ creative and subjective energy and Virgo’s precision and critical approach can lead to exciting developments in shaping our individual and collective ideals. Let’s use this time to understand how we can improve our world and our lives, moving closer to a more harmonious existence.

Making Practical Spiritual Ambitions

sun in pisces

Balancing Creativity with Precision

The Virgo Full Moon offers you an excellent opportunity to reflect on your spiritual ambitions and how to make them practical in your everyday life. During this time, you can more easily balance your creative, subjective thoughts with the Virgo energy that seeks precision and improvement.

While the Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Virgo, you can benefit from this harmonious blend of energies. This is a fantastic time to visualize and express your more creative and imaginative ideas, while the Virgo energy can help you be more precise and exact in manifesting them in your life.

sun in pisces

The Virgo Full Moon also encourages you to become aware of any flaws and imperfections you may have, with the ultimate goal of moving towards a state of pure being. This can be particularly helpful when it comes to healing your sense of identity and understanding where you may be unnecessarily holding onto suffering.

During this time, try to be more aware of any victim or martyr energy that might be present in your life. The opposition between the Virgo and Pisces energies can help you uncover these patterns and understand your own role in maintaining them.

As you make practical steps towards your spiritual ambitions, remember to balance your creativity with precision, ensuring that your ideas are both inspiring and grounded in reality. This way, you will be better equipped to manifest your dreams and live a more fulfilled, purpose-driven life.

Embracing Healing and Identity

moon in pisces meaning

During this Virgo full moon, which occurs once or twice a year, you have a unique opportunity to reflect on your spiritual journey and how it aligns with your practical life. As we progress through Pisces season, it’s essential to consider your individual values and how they fit into your collective experience. With the sun in Pisces and the moon in Virgo, these opposing forces bring balance to your life, allowing for creative visualization and precision in your actions.

The Virgo energy encourages you to examine your actions with a critical eye, ultimately with the goal of improvement and purification. This process helps you become aware of your flaws and move beyond them, embracing a more profound sense of pure being. One key aspect to focus on during this time is healing your sense of identity.

moon in the 12th house challenges

Thanks to the conjunction between the North Node and Chiron, this healing and self-discovery process becomes even more crucial. You may find yourself reflecting on where you’re holding onto suffering unnecessarily and recognizing your own role in maintaining that pain. As you confront these realizations, the opposition between Virgo and Pisces helps reveal the balance between victim and martyr energy, prompting you to evaluate how these dynamics manifest in your life, relationships, and overall well-being.

To make the most of this Virgo full moon:

  • Reflect on how your practical life and spiritual journey intersect.
  • Examine your actions and decisions with a critical eye for improvement and purification.
  • Heal your sense of identity by recognizing where you hold onto suffering.
  • Embrace the balance between victim and martyr energy to better understand your role in your own well-being.

As you navigate through this period, remember that both the Virgo and Pisces energies are at play in your life, offering you a unique opportunity for reflection, growth, and healing. Take advantage of this moment to understand yourself better and make positive changes for a brighter future.

Grasping the Victim and Martyr Dynamics

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moon in 1st house synastry

As we further explore the Virgo full moon, it is essential to consider how the opposition of the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo presents us with a unique opportunity. This powerful cosmic event serves as a catalyst for reflection on the topics of both your lunar and solar houses.

During this time, it becomes especially important to assess how our collective and individual experiences fit together in society. Moreover, the Virgo Moon’s opposition to the Sun in Pisces allows us to ponder on practical ways to implement our spiritual aspirations.

The balance between the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo offers a beneficial platform for expressing or visualizing creative and subjective ideas. With Virgo’s desire for precision and improvement combined with Pisces’ spiritual realm, we can better understand and extract the flaws in our lives to realize our purest selves.

One of the most significant aspects during this period is the Victim and Martyr axis that the Virgo-Pisces opposition exhibits. Emphasizing the healing of our sense of identity, this axis encourages us to reassess our role in maintaining suffering in various aspects of our lives, such as relationships, work, and health.

By acknowledging and addressing the balance of victim and martyr dynamics, you can take proactive steps toward personal growth and transformation. Leverage this Virgo full moon as an opportunity to reflect on the intricacies within yourself and foster a more holistic and harmonious way of living.

Examining One’s Part in Suffering

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moon in the 12th house strengths

During this Virgo full moon, let’s take a moment to reflect on the beautiful balance it brings to your life. As the moon’s energy combines with the creative and spiritual aspects of Pisces, you have an extraordinary opportunity to delve into your own role in suffering.

With a focus on personal reflection, the Virgo full moon helps you identify areas where you may be holding on to pain. As it illuminates your approach to relationships, work, money, and health, you find that certain habits or ways of thinking may be causing you distress.

This cosmic balance can also bring attention to the victim and martyr dynamics within you. By recognizing these aspects, you can explore how your identity might be tied to potential suffering. This gives you the power to refine and improve your everyday life, moving away from unnecessary pain.

This full moon not only offers a chance to cleanse and purify your being but also encourages you to take responsibility for your role in your own suffering. It invites you to expand your understanding of your personal experiences and relationships, enabling you to discern the ways in which you contribute to feeling like a victim or martyr.

When we embrace the insights offered by the Virgo full moon and its opposition with the sun in Pisces, we can begin a transformative journey towards healing our identity and releasing the patterns that hold us back. It’s time for you to let go of the unnecessary burden and embrace a purer, more enlightened state.

If you are serious about your spiritual journey, make sure you explore some of the tools I have created to help you on it. My Fast Track To Astrology Cheatsheets serve as a daily reminder for the lower and higher manifestations of each planet, zodiac sign and house. They help you easily and effortlessly align with the higher expression of each of your placements. And my Hack Your Love Aspects guide helps you improve all of your relationships by transforming the hidden subconscious blocks that make you suffer in love and in any other connection you form.

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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