From Scattered Thoughts To Angelic Mindset – Here’s How! Daily Love & Spirit Guidance 1st February

daily love astrology reading

Wow, we are seeing quite a significant shift in energy from yesterday, with the number SEVEN ruling the day, and The Moon in conjunction with Uranus!

Whoever has followed the previous days’ tips and guidance is going to feel this positive energy of breaking free and spiritual uplift in a more powerful way! The number seven is guidance, help and support from higher powers, and it can give you tremendous gifts if you have managed to make some positive transformations in the previous few days!

Another reason it is a good idea that you followed the previous days’ tips

Is that Uranus conjunct the Moon can make you a bit scattered, distracted, and basically ‘all over the place’, but if you have consciously striven to stay in a more elevated state of mind during the last few days, this aspect is now going to bless you with a sense of inner freedom, strike you with some unusual, unexpected solutions in all areas of your life, and give you a sense of the angelic mind – lightning fast to catch every divine thought!

How to tune in to attract Love and Manifest Your Dreams

As I always say in my daily forecasts, manifesting your deepest desires is all about tuning in with the Universal energies at the highest vibrational level possible. This is why I give you an insight into what the Heaven wants from us on this particular day, and if you try to follow my tips for at least a few days in a row, you will start seeing miracles happening every minute, every second of your day!

To tune into the Uranus-Moon conjunction energy of today, you have to think about the angelic mindset! Angels have lighting fast thoughts that are always in tune with the Creator’s Will! Angels don’t have a religion, so they are universal lightworkers, helping anyone, who reaches out to them.

How to connect with the Angelic mindset

Each and every one of us has guardian angels. You can sit in peace for 5-15 minutes today, thinking about your guardian angels, sending love to them, and asking them to help you think like them – in such a perfect way that your intuition becomes lighting fast and correct.

If you have a favorite angel or archangel, you can also think about them, and simply connect with them in your mind. Sending good thoughts and blessings towards your favorite angel or archangel, already connects you with their mind, and gifts you with some of their qualities.

Follow this simple ritual today and see miracles come true! 

Love and Light!


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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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