Can it Get EVEN STEAMIER Than Yesterday? (Daily Love Forecast 23rd December)

daily love forecast 23rd december

We still have the influence of Venus and Uranus doing their thing (read yesterday’s forecast to learn more about that) and to top it all, today we have Mars and The Moon in conjunction to make it even steamier!

Today can be a super-duper exciting day for those, who have just started a relationship as well as for those, who have a partner and are in for an extra adrenaline rush!

As long as you channel the energy in a constructive way, these two days can be filled with excitement, passion, and a positive powerful transformation for you. If you are single, it may be especially useful for you to do the free dance exercise I explained yesterday, as it will get you into a powerful state to manifest and attract love a lot faster than usual. The electric energies of Uranus can easily bring new and unexpected love!

Socialize and be generous!

Today is also a wonderful day to socialize, to spend time with family and be generous of heart. It is a wonderful day to organize a party, a gathering, or attend one, as this might just be how you meet this new unexpected love interest of yours! Make sure you show off your compassionate side and be ready to listen to others at least as much as you talk! Today this will be greatly appreciated.

Don’t be afraid to drop hints

The Mars-Moon conjunction makes it a very suitable time for you, as a woman, to be a bit more active if someone catches your eye. Don’t be afraid to take the first step, but always make sure to do it in a delicate, feminine way. Rather than going straight up to them, find an excuse to talk them up, or ask for their help – men love that as they get to feel strong! You can feel safe expressing your emotions today as long as you don’t go overboard!

Have a blessed day!

Love and Light!

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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