Here’s Ho To Reverse The Game To Manifest Your True Love And Dreams! (Daily Love & Spirit Guidance 3rd February)

We have a very grounded, positive energy today that can benefit you in many ways!

This is manifested both through the sextile of Venus and Saturn and a numerological karmic combination that urges us to stay strong on our feet and approach love and money in a more practical way.

In a sense, this comes in a bit of a controversy with Mercury, entering Pisces today, which makes our mind more dreamy, less practical, and more prone to miss out on the small details. Both of these influences can however be harmonized in a very positive manner that can materialize wonderful things for you!

How to take advantage of these energies

Saturn always likes to play by the rules, so try to do this, and have an earthly, structured approach to your day. If you are about to have a date, this can turn out into something long term as long as you have a sensible approach to it. It may also be a suitable idea to have a serious conversation with your partner and to decide to have more shared responsibilities together.

If you are still aiming to manifest the love of your life

Here is a short, but effective exercise that can help you tune in with the energy and make your daily efforts a lot more powerful! As I said, Saturn likes structure, rules, and practicality.

This time, rather than writing down what you WANT to have in a partner, write down what you are able and willing to GIVE to your true soulmate and partner in life. Try to be as specific and possible, rather than just writing down general things like ‘love’, ‘attention’, etc. Often times we are so drawn to wanting wanting wanting things that we forget to evaluate what we are ready to GIVE.

Saturn loves when we show responsibility, and when we sincerely demonstrate that we are willing to GIVE, he will reward us. The Universe will reward us even double! Take a piece of paper and write down:

To my true soulmate, and the love of my live I am willing to give:

  1. Loyalty
  2. True undivided attention
  3. Homemade meals at least twice a week
  4. …fill in with as many as you can think of.

And remember, putting down ‘mundane’ and super practical things like, iron his shirts are absolutely fine, too! Although we are spiritual beings, we live in a material world, and one of our main missions and tasks in this world is to blend them together beautifully.

I know you can!

Try the daily rituals and tips and watch miracles happen in your life within days!

Love and Light!

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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