Daily Love Forecast 18 January – How To Use The Explosive Mix Of Energies In Your Own Favor!

Hello Lovelies, and here I am back with the daily love forecasts and love magic to help you manifest the love you dream of and desire!

I have to apologize for disappearing in this important period – right in the beginning of the New Year, but to be honest, it was all beyond my control! The Pluto-Saturn conjunction played out quite intensely in my life, and my nephew, then my mum, and then me myself were hospitalized for different conditions.

I am just getting back on my feet after this whole fiasco, and I feel extremely appreciative and grateful that finally everything turned out for the best!

So, remember ONE thing – whatever happens to you, no matter how life surprises you – just keep praying and repeat to yourself that everything happens for the Higher Good!

Constant prayer is one of the most powerful weapons against hardships, so train yourself to constantly turn to God throughout the day in good times, so that it has become a habit, and you can quickly ‘switch’ to ‘constant prayer mode’ when you most need it! Even if your mind goes blank, and you are not sure what to say, just repeat ‘God, thank you for everything’.

And, interestingly enough this advice may come super handy for today’s energies!

Today we have a curious arrangement of planets, which suggests unexpected turn of events, unexpected meetings, conversations, and interesting people! Things may just come up out of the blue! Uranus and Mercury are in a hard square aspect, but since Uranus is just the higher dimension of Mercury, even a hard aspect is not so bad – rather, prepare for a day of unexpected meetings and events!

What potential partners will value

Potential dates and partners will value your wittiness and your sense of freedom today! The energies are not too sexual or warm, rather they are with a taste of quirckiness, and intellectual conversations will be a lot more in tune with the day than anything else. You may come across people, who are into technology, innovative stuff, and even astrology! Doing an activity with a large group of people with common interests may bring you luck in finding a potential love interest or an exciting new date!

If you are already in a relationship

Don’t let this intense energy get you into a nervous breakdown or a fight over something. An emotional tantrum can also be caused by the Moon in Scorpio, making a hard aspect with Uranus in Taurus! You may be tempted to get into very sensitive topics that might escalate into an explosion! Rather, remember that it’s just a planetary influence, and try to channel this energy with your partner into doing something intellectual, or just watch a sci-fi movie instead!

Love Manifestation Ritual Of The Day

To tune in with the energies of the day and powerfully manifest LOVE into your life quicker, your best bet would be to engage with an activity that embodies the higher manifestation of Uranus and the Moon in Scorpio. This means it is a great day for dealing with astrology and the occult, but also engaging your intellect in the process.

My suggestion for today is to go to astro.com, put in the details of your birth date, and check out which sign your natal Venus is in, if you already don’t know. Then, spend some time online, researching the qualities of your natal Venus, and then writing down ALL the positive qualities of you being born with a Venus in this particular sign.

For example, if you find out that your natal Venus is in the sign of Pisces, go to Google and type ‘natal Venus in Pisces’; then read a few articles about this position, and write down in your journal all the positive qualities you possess with a Venus in Pisces.

This simple exercise will powerfully align you with the energies of the day, while invisibly attracting to you the person of your dreams, because the positive qualities of Venus are not simply what you possess, but also what you seek in a partner!

Have a wonderful day!

Love and Light


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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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