Daily Love Guidance1st December – Attracting True Love By Allowing THIS To Surface!

daily love forecast 1st December

We are starting off the first day of December with another nudge from the universe to re-evaluate our own worth and really open up the space for a special soulmate in 2020!

Today’s energies are ruled by the number 7, which means we are immensely supported by Light to drive away the darkness, hindering the manifestation of our love goals.

Our Insecurities Surfacing

Today is a day when we can feel our inner insecurities and inhibitions surfacing, and trying to raise their voice. This is a good thing, as it means we are given a chance to work on ourselves, and decisively scrap away old thought patterns and old programming that is not serving us any good.

You know, when you are aiming to attract true love into your life, no matter how much positive thinking, manifestation techniques, and affirmations you are doing, they are not going to give you the results you desire if there is old programming ‘stealing’ your energy ‘in the background. What this means is that you are sending out good thoughts to the Universe, asking for that perfect soulmate (or improving the relationship with your current partner), while at the same time, unconsciously, you are sending out conflicting ‘signals’ that are shouting – ‘No, don’t give me this, I am not worth it!’

This ‘old programming’ often comes from insecurities we have developed in the past, like low self-esteem, fears of being abandoned, fears of being not pretty enough, not smart enough, not sexy enough, etc.

We all have these!

Even if you are already in a great relationship, some of these may surface from time to time and push you into self-sabotaging your happiness, because you subconsciously feel like you ‘don’t deserve it’.

Today we are given the opportunity to work and release some of these old beliefs!

I am not going to lie to you, it may not be an easy task. You may not feel comfortable, and it may even feel like a struggle at some point. However, stay focused on the belief that this is required inner growth you will be rewarded for tenfold!

Spend some time at home, writing down a few of the greatest fears, wrong beliefs, and insecurities you become conscious of (and being aware of them is having walked half the road)!

Really try to dig deep and write more specific ones that are hindering your happiness in love (and life in general)

I will give you an example:

“I confess to myself that through my upbringing, I have been led to the belief that one cannot have love and wealth at the same time. One has to choose between the two. This is why I am insecure about really opening up and allowing myself to love and be loved. Subconsciously I feel like I will need to sacrifice something else.”

Now, if you manage to acknowledge something this deep within yourself, you have gotten into a root of a problem, which can now be eradicated! By acknowledging this belief, you can now scratch it:

“I confess to myself that through my upbringing, I have been led to the belief that one cannot have love and wealth at the same time. One has to choose between the two. This is why I am insecure about really opening up and allowing myself to love and be loved. Subconsciously I feel like I will need to sacrifice something else.”

And write down a new one. It’s a good idea to not simply rely on intuition, but also give a logical explanation for the logical part of your brain, too. In this way, you will be able to avoid cognitive dissonance, and be able to get the new belief really sink into you. Like this:

Today I understand that this belief was instilled into me, because growing up, I was raised in an environment that was abundant in money, but lacking in love. I also understand that this is not always the case, and that I am capable to create a new reality for me, because I have my own reasoning, and can make my own choices. I have the power within me, to create the reality that I want. I now believe that I can both love, be loved, be in an amazing relationship, and have abundance in my life at the same time.

By doing this you are doing TWO things:

You are giving your brain a very reasonable, ‘realistic’ explanation as to why this old belief is NOT TRUE, while truly giving MORE FORCE to your positive affirmations, as they now have one less insecurity to ‘compete with’ for energy. Because it is ALL about energy!

Try to do this with at least three or four of your MAJOR insecurities, and DO dig really really deep to get to the root of the problem!

Aligning in such a way with the energies of the day will re-enforce this practice numerous times and will empower you to make positive changes into your love life VERY FAST!

Love and Light!

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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