Mars Retrograde 2020: The Wild Developments in Love, Sex and Relationships For Your Sign!

mars retrograde 2020


Isn’t this the craziest year of your life? With so many planets going retrograde at different times (and often together, too), it seems like the Universe is putting us to the ultimate test.

But do you know what this also means? It is the ultimate proof that we are being loved and taken care of! Why? Imagine a child that plays happily on a playground and they become so joyful and carefree that they completely forget about the dangers around them. They start running, and a swing in motion is about to hit them hard on the head when their father pulls them away, gives them a slap on the butt, and warns them with a strict, serious voice that they have to pay attention and that they have to be more conscious of their surroundings ,rather than getting overly absorbed in the play. The father could also stop the child’s play, pull them out of the playground, and bring them home to eat, rest, and study, for example. Isn’t the father doing this out of love? Isn’t he, as a parent, trying to do the best for their child, pushing them to re-evaluate how they act and also teaching them to be more conscious and organized in their play?

Well, this is exactly what the Universe wants from us when a planet goes retrograde.

We are being given a much stronger and explicit push from the Universe to re-evaluate something in our life, and in the case of Mars it is how we act, how we use our sexual energy, and most of all – how we use and exert our FREE WILL in order to drive certain results in our life.

Mars plays a critical role for all of us

mars retrograde 2020

Because it is very closely connected to the material world and to the tangible things that happen in our life. It is very closely related to things we can very strongly feel and experience. Things like passion, anger, assertiveness, inner drive, willingness to do something, anger, aggression.

This is even further emphasized when Mars is in its own sign, as it will be during the retrograde period, and when it is so close to Earth, which makes it even more powerful.

Mars is the ultimate driver of our real, tangible, visible actions and feelings here on Earth

This is why the period between Wednesday, September 9th, and Friday, November 13th will be absolutely critical and crucial for each and every one of us. We literally have no choice – we WILL be pushed to make a change, and it will not be an easy one either, since Mars will be squaring Saturn during the whole period. However, this will also be an amazing opportunity through discipline and hard effort to build something new, long-lasting, and amazing in your personal and professional life!


mars retrograde 2020

If you’ve been on this blog for a while, you know that I am an evolutionary astrologer, and my mission is to help you align with the Universal energies in a way that they work FOR YOU, rather than against you. This is why the following material will show you EXACTLY HOW to use the unusually powerful Marsian energy during this time in order to make the life transformations that will bring you closer to your true soul’s path and desires!

To better understand astrology from an evolutionary point of view, check out The Hidden Truth  About Your Zodiac Sign That Will Change Your Life

Please note, the following astrology forecast is a general one, and although accurate to a great extent, it will not be able to give you precise details about your own unique natal chart and specific life circumstances. If you would like to receive a more in-depth, accurate, and personalized reading on how to navigate through this delicate period, please send an email to venusonthrone [at]


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Mars retrograde for Aries.
Mars retrograde for Taurus.
Mars retrograde for Gemini.
Mars retrograde for Cancer.
Mars retrograde for Leo.
Mars retrograde for Virgo.
Mars retrograde for Libra.
Mars retrograde for Scorpio.
Mars retrograde for Sagittarius.
Mars retrograde for Capricorn.
Mars retrograde for Aquarius.
Mars retrograde for Pisces.

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Mars Retrograde 2020 for Aries

mars retrograde 2020

The forceful energy of Mars is going retrograde in your own sign, Aries, and this will certainly have a profound effect on you. You are being given a not-so-gentle push by the Universe to deeply re-evaluate all of your relationships and your own personality as a whole. Mars in Aries may face you with situations and circumstances with your loved ones that exert your hidden anger, forcing you to deal with it and transform it.

You will be pushed to profoundly re-evaluate how you act and behave with others, and memories of past turbulences may surface in order for you to process and adapt your current behavior. You are being asked by the Universe to re-consider your approach in all of your earthly dealings.

The best way to deal with this difficult energy in your first house is to step back in self-reflection. The Mars retrograde period is not a good time to ‘attack first’ or to point fingers. You will only be the loser if you take this approach. Mars will be in natural opposition with your seventh house, so you might find yourself ending an intimate relationship or completely changing the way you behave in it, but by no means you should be on the aggressive side.

You might feel the urge to completely transform the way people see you, and take action towards this. If you have been way too timid and shy, you would want to become more assertive, and the opposite – if you have always been seen as a bit too aggressive in your approach with others – you would have to become softer and more diplomatic.

Remember that it is all for the higher good of your soul and approach the period with care and self-reflection on what in your speech, actions, and sexual dealings with others you would like to change.  Make it in a consistent, structured, and smart way, just as Saturn requires. Last but not least, be careful with injuries and trauma (including during sex).

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your fourth and fifth house during this period, Dear Aries, which means that you may lean on the support of family during this time. You may be able to receive the love and affection from your family to help you make the changes required. Fifth house is about love and sex affairs, too, so again – Venus being there helps you to turn things in a more positive direction for yourself.

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.

Mars Retrograde 2020 for Taurus

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mars retrograde 2020

Mars will be retrograde in your 12th house of hidden desires and enemies, Taurus, and this definitely is one of the most difficult positions to be in! You may find certain types of self-aggression surfacing, as well as fears, karma from past lives, and basically all types of ‘demons’ coming out of the darkest, most hidden corners of your subconscious mind.

You may also be tempted to start a secret affair; a secret affair may surface and be discovered, or you may re-evaluate your position on a secret affair of yours and end it forever.

Since Mars is all about action, you will be forced to deal with all this in the next couple of months, and the best way to do it is by seeking help from a therapist, as 12th house is also about working with psychiatrists and coaches; deep meditation, self-reflection, and prayer are the things you can and must do on your own during this time.

When the relationship with the greatest depths of your soul are being challenged in such a way, it is inevitable that your relationships with others will be shattered, too. You may reveal a deep family secret, which may change the way you look at your roots. You may discover deep sexual desires that you weren’t willing to face before. And you may discover that the greatest enemy to your success is yourself.

It is critical on how you deal with all this, because it is an amazing opportunity to ‘clean a huge mess’ in your subconscious mind, which will in turn result in a huge transformation in your love and sex life once the period ends.

If you manage to do a massive ‘cleansing’ of your subconscious mind and desires with the help of a professional and your own meditation efforts, you will open up the space to attract someone truly amazing and extraordinary in your life once the period ends!

What will be helping the situation:

Venus in your third and fourth house during the Mars retrograde period will offer some relief and help during this period. You can find help and relief from close relatives, family and friends, and it is another indication it is a good idea to seek professional help in the form of meditation courses, or other ways of self-education that will help you make the best out of this time. This might also be where you meet a special someone, who has also taken the path to self-discovery and growth!

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.

Mars Retrograde 2020 for Gemini

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mars retrograde 2020

Mars will go retrograde in your 11th house, Gemini, and this will certainly pose a challenge on your social dealings, your friendships, your long-term intimate relationships, the relationship with your kids, and the relationship with certain social institutions and businesses you are dealing with.

You will be posed with the challenge to re-evaluate how you behave with your friends and social circles, and in what way you are contributing to society as a whole. Are you being a good friend? Do you live up to your promises in your long-term relationships? Both intimate and professional. Are you being honest in your business dealings?

Any sort of disloyal behavior will surface and you will be forced to change it. Be aware that the period is not good for offence, but rather for self-reflection and defense. You may wish to change the way you behave in your community; the way you approach friends, and the way you contribute to your friendships and keep up your promises.

This might also be a period when you suddenly discover you are seeing a friend with new eyes – as an intimate partner, for example, or the opposite – you change your sexual desires towards an intimate partner and you start seeing them as a friend, for example. Both scenarios are possible and will have a profound effect on one or more of your relationships!

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your second and third house during this period, and this is very supportive of the changes you might need to make. Venus will help re-establish and refine your own value system, which is critical for making the right decisions in your intimate relationships and friendships. At the same time, you will receive some support from very close friends and relatives, who will provide the affection and attention you might need during this time. Signing up for a personal self-growth course during this period will be helpful for you, too, Gemini.

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.


Mars Retrograde 2020 for Cancer

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mars retrograde 2020

Mars will be retrograde in your 10th House, Cancer, and although this is the house of career and goals, it is also the house of social status. All of your relationships that affect your social status in one way or another will be affected, and this includes if you are married, too.

You may undergo a profound transformation in your marriage and start asking questions, like – does this marriage serve my true life purpose? Is it making me truly happy and fulfilled? Is it what I truly desire as a social status? This doesn’t mean that you will specifically end a marriage, although this may happen as a result of your re-evaluation. But, you or your partner may change their position on marriage as well – for example, if they were against it, they may suddenly propose. Getting married is not a good idea during Mars retrograde unless both partner have Mars retrograde in their natal charts. However, getting engaged on the occasion that someone has re-considered their position on marriage is absolutely possible and a good indicator of inner growth! It shows some form of transformation that Mars retrograde has forced them to undergo.

You may need to push a lot more in your workplace, dear Cancers, and you may be more stressed than ever with your work tasks, and this will certainly reflect your intimate relationships and family life, as Mars retrograde is making a direct opposition with your fourth house of family and home affairs.

On the other hand, you may also find yourself changing your approach to your career and ambitions, and deciding that you would like to spend more time with your family and re-kindle the relationship with your spouse.

No matter what’s your particular case, the important thing is to not lose focus from the fact that challenges are here for us to grow – Mars is a planet of action, so you must act from a self-reflectory point of view.

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your second and third house during the period, dear Cancer, and this will help you better shape your value system, enabling you to make the best decisions possible. Your own values and true desires will be supported by Venus, which will be crystalizing your mind to make the right choices in your relationships. You will also be supported by close relatives and friends, you may have the chance to earn some extra money, and an opportunity for some online self-development course might be a great choice for you to help you go out of this period stronger and more self-fulfilled.

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.

Mars Retrograde 2020 for Leo

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mars retrograde 2020

Mars retrograde will be affecting your whole philosophy on life, dear Leos, and this may as well shatter one or two relationships of yours!

Going through your ninth house of religion and spirituality, Mars retrograde may force you to completely re-evaluate and deepen your relationship with God as well as break ties with a spiritual authority you’ve had in your life for a long time. You might find yourself re-considering your approach towards an ideal or a spiritual group you have been a part of, and you may decide to part with them, or just transform the relationship you have with them. You might feel the urge to re-consider what you have learned from them so far and either deepen the relationship, or completely end it.

This may as well drastically change your needs in your intimate relationships and you may suddenly find yourself not being on the same page spiritually with your intimate partner any more. You might find yourself looking into the deeper spiritual meaning of sex, how it affects energy interchange between two people, and you might want to experience sex from a completely new level of consciousness, which will indeed transform the relationship with your partner or end it.

Mars retrograde will force you to drastically change your approach to life as a whole, and your best bet in this situation is to turn into an inner exploration of your true values and ideals.

If you are single, going through this type of transformation might as well help you attract someone with a higher state of consciousness into your life (that is, if you do the inner work required during this period).

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your first and second house during this period, which will be supportive of this change. A milder energy will be helping you re-discover your personality and your value system. You might also be feeling more attractive and more abundant in any area of your life, which will be softening the harsh influence of Mars in your ninth house.

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.

Mars Retrograde 2020 for Virgo

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mars retrograde 2020

What a deeply transformative two and a half months these will be for you dear Virgo, with Mars retrograde going through your eight house of psychology, astral projections, sex, and mutual resources. Considering that Mars is the second natural ruler of the eight house, you may be expecting a profoundly soul-shattering period, especially if you have already undertaken the journey of self-discovery (which I believe you have, if you have landed on this page).

Mars retrograde will be putting you in situations and power struggle wars with your partner that will be forcing you to dive deep into your psychological issues, darkest fears, and desires. Mars will not leave you alone until your hidden shadows surface, and you decide on a new approach to face them and deal with them. You have no more time to waste in hiding behind old patterns of denial, dear Virgo.

You will be re-discovering your sexual needs, too, and Mars retrograde might be giving you wild fantasies you never knew existed, or face you with a dominant partner, who asserts their sexual needs and desires a lot more strongly during this period. Remember that sexual energy in its highest form is your creative energy, too, so you might have to completely change the way you channel your creativity as well as your approach to anything you create in your life (including children).

Since it is the house of mutual resources as well, you might be forced to re-structure and re-consider the way you use your mutual resources with your partner. You might be challenged as to the contribution to your mutual resources, or, on the contrary – you might be the one initiating the restructuring of the contribution and use of mutual resources.

This all will indeed have a profound effect on the relationship with your partner on all levels – psychological, sexual, and financial – and your best bet is to turn to practices like prayer and meditation to find the right approach in the difficult situations.

If you are single, you have the amazing opportunity to face the dark shadows in the deepest corners of your mind, and by cleansing your astral body and aura, be able to powerfully attract someone from a much higher level of consciousness!

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your 12th and 1st houses during this period, which will be softening the harsh influence of Mars, helping you on the journey towards the deepest corners of your subconscious mind. Once Venus hits your first house in October, you will have a lot more clarity and a more optimistic vision about the future!

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.

Mars Retrograde 2020 for Libra

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mars retrograde 2020

Mars will be going retrograde in your 7th house of relationships, and for you, dear Libras, this will be an absolutely soul-shattering period, as this is the area of your life you care most about!

You, Libras, are the most partnership-oriented sign of all, and when the aggressive planet of Mars forces you to re-consider your intimate and professional partnerships, you will not be feeling at ease. Your sign is in natural opposition with the Mars energy, and it will not feel comfortable in your seventh house, at all.

You will be forced to re-consider all aspects of your relationships – including loyalty, mutual values, and sex, and with your tolerant, diplomatic, and indecisive nature, you might find yourself experiencing bouts of anger and frustration that are not typical for you!

Remember that retrograde periods are here to teach us a lesson, and use the period for self-reflection in order to make the changes required. You might find partnerships falling apart, harsh words being said, and you taking a completely new stance of self-assertiveness and expression in your relationships.

Seventh house is about consulting, too, so you might find yourself consulting people on their relationships, or – it may be a good idea that you see a therapist that can assist you in dealing with these changes, whether you are in a relationship or not.

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your 11th and 12th houses during the Mars retrograde period, which means you might receive support from friends and groups, and again – another confirmation that it might be a good idea to consult a therapist or coach. By all means you will be driven towards deep self-exploration, which will be the basis for a long-term transformation.

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.

Mars Retrograde 2020 for Scorpio

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mars retrograde 2020

Mars is the second natural ruler of your sign, Scorpio, and indeed this period will be affecting you profoundly. You might find yourself, facing hidden anger, aggression and desires you might need to deal with, and these may surface in your work relationships and everyday life.

Since Mars will be going retrograde in your 6th house of health and work, you must be extra cautious with your health, as it may be affected by this additional psychological tension that Mars might be giving you. You might be forced to re-consider the relationships with your colleagues, and the way you approach your everyday activities. You might be having a higher sexual drive than usual and develop some desires towards a work-mate or a teammate of yours. Whether you decide to become intimate with someone in your workplace or not, you will have to re-consider the way you act with colleagues.

It is very important that you tame this wild energy and approach any situation from the point of self-reflection. Remember that being the first to take action or act on a bout of anger is not the right move when Mars is retrograde, as you will be the loser in this situation. Instead, consider how YOUR behavior, your time management, and your approach towards others is affecting your everyday life.

If you channel this energy in a constructive way, you may end up having more sex and more energy during this period, especially if Mars is making good aspects in your natal chart. Tread gently and make the necessary changes in your daily activities that might open up opportunities for a more dynamic, healthier, and happier lifestyle.

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your 10th and 11th house during this period, which softens the harsh energy of Mars by being given the opportunity to improve your social status (possibly by making crucial changes in your daily activities, work environment and healthy appearance), and to get support by friends and social groups (including online). It might be a good idea to join new online communities as part of your new daily routine and find more people that share your interests and ideals!

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.

Mars Retrograde 2020 for Sagittarius

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mars retrograde 2020

Mars will be going retrograde in your fiery fifth house of love, sex, and children, Sagittarius, and combined with the fact that you are a fire sign, too, it looks like this will be a super intense period for you!

Mars retrograde will be unleashing some wild sexual desires, making your feelings stronger and more heated, and possibly making you a bit wilder and more competitive in sports. It will indeed be a challenge to deal with this wave of passion and heat, but you must try and use it for self-exploration and adjustment as to how you would like to approach love and sex.

You might find yourself being more expressive in your feelings, discovering new grounds of emotional connection with your partner, or on the contrary – you might find out that such is fading out. Similarly, you might find yourself re-considering your stance on having children, and deciding that you would like to have children sooner; and, if Mars is retrograde in your natal chart, it is possible that you get pregnant or that your wife/partner gets pregnant!

Mars retrograde in the fifth house may get wild indeed, and with your adventurous nature, it may also be a bit risky for you, Sagittarius, so, don’t be tempted to indulge in that adrenaline rush. Be careful and smart, remembering there are people, who care and worry about you!

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your 9th and 10th house, during this period, which will help you to make the changes required from a more spiritual and elevated point of view. Venus will be softening the harsh Mars influences in your houses of learning, spirituality, and social status, so in fact you have the chance to make your emotional connections more spiritual, while also improving your social status!

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.

Mars Retrograde 2020 for Capricorn

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mars retrograde 2020

Mars will be going retrograde in the 4th house of home and family, Capricorns, and since it will be making a hard aspect with the natural ruler of your sign – Saturn – this will indeed be a challenging period for you. But, fear not, this will give you an opportunity to re-structure your life inside-out and build something a lot more beautiful in the long term!

Mars going retrograde in your fourth house can bring tension in your home, your family, and anyone you feel close as family (including an intimate partner of yours). Since Cancer, the natural ruler of fourth house is in natural opposition with you, Capricorn, with Mars being there, you will be challenged to finally get in touch with your deep feelings and emotions, and deal with them to massively transform the relationships with your loved ones!

Past trauma, caused in your childhood may surface, and your first instinct might be to deal with it with anger and aggression. This is a good idea, so this period is the absolute high time you dealt with your emotions, hidden fears and shadows in a constructive way.

This will indeed be a huge challenge for you, Capricorns, but the long-term result will stabilize the relationship with your family, your spouse, partner, and your parents, too. You may come out of this situation with a stronger support system than ever, feeling like you have released a huge load off your shoulders.

The worst thing you can do is try to ignore the emotions, feelings, and instincts that surface during this period and push them back in – this will certainly cause an ‘explosion’ that will negatively affect everyone and everything in your life.

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your 8th and 9th house, which will soften the harsh influence of Mars by further encouraging you to approach the period from a deeply psychological point of view, as you also involve the mutual resources with your partner. When Venus moves in your 9th house, you will be supported spiritually, and you might be prompted to deal with the changes Mars is forcing you to make by changing your philosophy on life and getting support from a spiritual master you trust.

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.

Mars Retrograde 2020 for Aquarius

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mars retrograde 2020

Mars will be going retrograde in your 3rd house of communication and close relatives, Aquarius, and the fiery energy, combined with the air nature of the house may cause some turbulences in all of your communication with others, as well as the relationship with your brothers, sisters, relatives, and close friends.

Mars retrograde in your third house may make you even more aggressive and extravagant in your speech, Aquarius, which may face you with difficult situations, prompting you to re-consider your approach. You may be forced to re-evaluate the words, tone, and form of communication you use in your intimate relationships, work relationships, and friendships, remembering that when Mars is retrograde, the focus is on us. It is not the time to point fingers and try to pass the blame on others.

You might find out that you need to speak out and communicate more about your sexual desires with your partner, or overall discover that you need to talk more about sex, your true passions, and needs. Make sure to do that in a moderate and considerate manner.

You may need to re-consider how assertive you are in your speech, and take action to completely transform your approach. You might also find out that you need to listen more to your partner, and take a stance of learning. Third house is about learning, too, and with Mars going retrograde there, it is a good idea to try to learn more from the people around you, finding new ways for self-improvement.

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your 7th and 8th house during the period, which will soften the Mars influence, giving you an opportunity to actually improve your intimate relationships, and reach new levels of mutual understanding and cooperation. The Venus influence in your 7th and 8th house provides an amazing opportunity to attract a long-term relationship after this transformative period, or to truly improve your current one by finding new grounds of communication and mutual interests.

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.

Mars Retrograde 2020 for Pisces

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Mars is going retrograde in your second house of personal values, dear Pisces, and this will most definitely shatter your close relationships, too, as values are at the core of who we choose as our partner, and how we approach life together.

Mars going retrograde in your 2nd house may make you more aggressive about money, possessions, and claiming what is yours. This will certainly cause turbulences in your intimate life, since you and your partner may not be on the same page any more, or on the contrary – you two may reach a new level of mutual growth in your value systems.

Mars going retrograde in your second house may encourage you to further develop a talent of yours, to re-discover your sexuality, and to see certain wishes and desires of yours surfacing. Mars will not let things just sit there, so these new realizations will need to immediately reflect in your behavior and approach towards these areas of your life.

You might find yourself desiring more beauty and harmony in your life, and therefore ending friendships and relationships with those, who do not contribute to your reality in this way. You might find yourself instinctively drawn towards nature and the need to spend more time there, therefore, trying to connect with a partner, who shares these yearnings.

In any case, you will see a huge change in what you truly value by the end of the period, and if you make the right changes, you might find yourself surrounded with more beautiful possessions, and people who resonate with your frequency a lot more after the end of the period.

What will be helping the situation:

Venus will be in your 6th and 7th house during this period, which will have a softening influence in your daily life and relationships. Venus will support your health during these tense times, and as it enters your 7th house in October, it will give you an opportunity to improve your relationships or find new love that is better aligned with your core value system – the one that is more in line with your true soul purpose!

Also check out the Astro Love Spell for when Venus changes signs that works immediately to improve your relationships and love life. And Love Synastry’s FREE Love Compatibility Calculator to get a better insight into your relationships and karmic bonds with them.


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Finally, I would like to point out that each and every one of us will experience this period from their own level of consciousness, and the higher it is, the more internal and external gains you will have in the end of the period! I always write my forecasts from an evolutionary point of view, meaning that I give you tips and actionable steps as to how you can approach this period from a higher state of consciousness. If you would like to further explore this with more specific actions, based on your own horoscope, and your specific planetary positions, which will powerfully enable you to make a huge step towards your biggest dreams and desires, please reach out at venusonthrone [at]

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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