Taurus Rising: What Is The True Meaning Of Your Taurus Ascendant

Taurus rising meaning

Understanding your Taurus rising sign and how it fits in with your Sun and Moon signs can be a bit confusing.

This is why I have created a separate article on the Rising Sign Meaning, which you can check out here.

In short, the zodiac sign, which stands as a rising sign in your horoscope determines the specific manner in which the energies and qualities of your Sun sign will be manifested in your lifetime.

For example, someone with a Cancer Sun sign and a Taurus rising will have the chance to manifest their caring, homey nature (Cancer) a lot more easily, because they will be driven by the inner motivation to stay home, cook, grow a garden, decorate their home, and take care of the material well-being of the family – all qualities of their Taurus rising sign.

The very same person would find it a lot harder to realize this Cancerian nature with an Aquarius rising, which would make them more freedom-loving and independent.

This is why one of the very first things to be analyzed in a natal chart is how harmonious the interaction between the rising sign and the sun sign is. Whether they are placed in signs that complement or contradict each other.

aries rising meaning

In addition, we should also consider and closely examine the planet, which rules the Ascendant and therefore the whole natal chart (in the case of Taurus rising, the ruler is Venus); where this planet is placed by sign and by house, and how it interconnects with the Sun and Rising signs.

Usually your physical characteristics are determined by the combined influences of the signs, where the Sun, Moon, rising, and the ascendant ruler are placed.

For example, if you are a Virgo with a Sagittarius rising and a Leo Moon, and your Jupiter (the ruler of your ascendant) is placed in Gemini, we will say that your Sun sign is Virgo, your Moon is in Leo, your Rising is in Sagittarius, and your horoscope and ascendant ruler is in Gemini. The latter will further color the characteristics of your rising sign.

The rising sign is something that you need to manifest and demonstrate gradually throughout your life, and this is why some of the traits and characteristics of this sign can be overemphasized and more obvious than some of the qualities of your Sun sign.

For example, someone with a Leo rising is ‘more Leo than the Leos’. They wish to be noticed at all cost, and they suffer if they don’t receive the attention they seek. Their strong desire to be the center of attention provokes their inventiveness, but their manners would also be a bit more demonstrative than those of a Leo Sun sign. In comparison, someone with a Leo Sun has the calm confidence that they are the king and he or she receives the attention they deserve with dignity. A Leo Sun attracts this attention effortlessly.

To learn all the meanings of each zodiac sign, planet, and house, Download The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets.

Now that you have a good idea of the meaning and significance of the rising sign, let’s move on to

Taurus Rising Appearance

Taurus rising appearance

Also see all about Moon in Taurus

Taurus rising people can be recognized by their big-boned body structure, which is also often prone to weight gain, and can sometimes even look square.

They really resemble a bull, standing on its hind legs, or rather the drawings of the Minotaur. Taurus rising have a characteristic hump at the base of the neck.

The tendency to accumulate is more pronounced in Taurus risings than in the Taurus sun sign. The hair is abundant, thick, usually dark. The features are well defined, sometimes large.

The nose is very characteristic, with curved nostrils, short and straight. The lips are thick, juicy, and the lower lip is often more pronounced. The eyes are large, well formed with thick and curved lashes. The voice is also juicy and dense. The temperament is phlegmatic.

Taurus rising are usually dressed either in unsightly working clothes or in lavish and rich apparel, but elegance is not among their strengths.

Taurus rising can also be spotted with their impressive large jewelry made of solid gold or silver. They like to surround themselves with massive and beautiful objects, and if they do not have their own house or garden, they feel unhappy and insecure.

Taurus Rising Meaning – An Overview

Taurus rising meaning

Taurus rising destiny is to lead a calm and balanced life. They are usually very well-off financially and the Taurus’ need for material security is met, especially in adulthood. Although they often acquire inheritance that gives them a safe and even comfortable life from a young age.

Taurus rising can easily reach success in real estate, securities, investments, banking, and agriculture. They like to collect beautiful objects and often develop a passion for collecting.

taurus rising traits

Taurus rising do have an abundance of natural magnetism, which attracts to them capital, prosperity, as well as influential and wealthy people for friends.

Although Taurus risings tend to lead long lives, their illnesses are mainly associated with either work fatigue or overindulgence.

Their sensual nature is indeed strongly emphasized. The passions in their personal and intimate life are great, mostly because they tend to become very possessive of those, who they get attached to. This often leads to jealousy.

In their intimate life Taurus rising either have very peaceful, long-term marriages or have secret affairs and hidden passions.

Taurus Rising Traits – Main Psychological Drivers

Taurus rising meaning

When the ascendant in the birth chart is in the sign of Taurus, the main psychological motivation of the person is to possess.

This basic instinct can be even stronger in Taurus rising than in those born with a Taurus Sun sign. As if people with a Taurus rising can never be psychologically satisfied if they are not surrounded by material evidence of their success in life.

This is valid for everyone with a strong Taurus influence, but when Taurus is their rising sign, the instinct to possess becomes a major driving force that largely determines their aspirations in life.

taurus rising traits

Taurus rising love to build their own space of prosperity and material well-being around themselves. It’s a major challenge for them if they have to part with it, even temporarily. Separation from favorite things, people and material possessions can cause great shock, and this is why Taurus rising tend to defend their possessions with dynamism and strength.

Tauruses usually have a large dose of inertia. It is relatively difficult for them to start new projects, as new projects mean change and change is not easy for them.

The key words for Taurus are perseverance, hard work and patience, and when this sign is on the ascendant, these are the main positive qualities that a person possesses as the main driving force in life. However, since the definition of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ can be very subjective, it is worth noting that perseverance can become stubbornness, work holism can lead to materialism, and patience can become an obstacle when a change in direction is required.

The main point here, as it is with other signs, is to use what is rational and useful for Taurus without going to extremes.

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Taurus Rising Traits – Adaptability

Taurus rising meaning

Taurus Rising are not particularly enthusiastic about making changes in their lives and taking up new projects.

Nevertheless, their biggest strength is to finish with great patience and perseverance the projects they or other people have already started. The sign of Taurus belongs to the earth element and is one of the fixed signs, which means that those, born with this sign as an ascendant need to meet life more slowly, calmly and purposefully than the other signs of the Zodiac.

People with a Taurus rising have to work methodically, to plan their own work and build what they achieve in life in a systematic way.

Taurus Rising Traits – Inertia

The fixation of Taurus suggests that these people need to stay at a certain stage of their lives longer than the other signs. However, there is some danger of laziness or reluctance to move to the next phase of life due to strong inertia, attachment to certain objects, people or situations, or due to established habits that the person is accustomed to and simply does not want to part with.

There is a saying that the only thing in the Universe that cannot be changed is the state of constant change. Everything changes over time, each celestial body rotates in such a way that it never stands in exactly the same position in relation to all other celestial bodies.

This fact is extremely meaningful, because it shows us that without constant change, there can be no development and evolution.

Similarly, Taurus rising need to learn when it is in their benefit to stick to certain people or situations in their life. As soon as these situations and circumstances start leading to stagnation, as soon as they have outlived their time, Taurus rising should learn to part with them and create new situations and opportunities for themselves that will lead them to achievement and success.

Taurus Rising Psychological Needs

Taurus rising meaning

Taurus rising people need to see visible, material results from their work.

When Taurus rises on the eastern horizon at the time of birth, many of the characteristics of this sign are seen at the level of psychological motivation, such as perseverance, bordering with stubbornness and a desire to own (people or objects). It is often difficult to convince Taurus rising that they are wrong, because they are fixed on a certain point of view and find it hard to realize that other people see things differently.

As a result, Taurus rising are often convinced that they are always right. Objective knowledge and self-exploration are not easily achievable for Taurus rising people.

Since this sign is ruled by Venus, it is also connected with the sensual side of the physical body, so these people must learn to properly reward themselves for their hard work with relaxation, sensuality, massage, delicious dishes and a moderate amount of high quality wine.

This would help them connect with the energies of the Earth and with their own earthly element, to which Taurus belongs.

Taurus Rising Compatibility and Love Life

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Taurus rising meaning

Whenever Taurus rises on the eastern horizon, exactly at the opposite point to the west is the sign of Scorpio. In this case, Scorpio always falls on the cusp of the 7th astrological house of love, marriage, and long-term relationships.

Therefore, in this area of life, the qualities of Scorpio will be manifested for Taurus risings, such as jealousy, strong intensity of feelings, and a desire to possess. The manifestation of such intense qualities in relation to the partner almost always leads to difficulties in love and marriage for Taurus rising.

Taurus rising people are predestined to experience self-growth and re-discovery through difficulties in relationships. They are being thrown into situations, related to love and marriage that teach them to explore themselves in depth and to discover the hidden instincts and psychological motivations that make them jealous and possessive of their loved ones.

In order to save their relationship, Taurus Rising need to change and realize how to use their power properly. The difficulties that Taurus rising meet with their partner act as a catalyst that periodically bring them out of their lethargy and inertia, purifying their life of people, situations, and mindsets that don’t serve them any more.

This is one of the ways Taurus rising are being gently pushed by the Universe to move forward and make changes in their lives.

Taurus Rising Traits, Characteristics and Challenges Summary

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Taurus rising meaning

Because Taurus is ruled by Venus, and Venus is the planet that rules beauty and harmony, those born with Taurus Rising like to be surrounded by beautiful and harmonious objects, individuals and situations. They are also known for their charm, beauty, and magnetism. Taurus rising do tend to gain weight, though.

taurus rising appearance

The long hours spent in the office, business breakfasts and lunches, as well as their unwavering drive for good wine and delicious food do not help in maintaining a good figure.

Still, the motivation for physical exercise and fitness does not lack in Taurus rising. Many young people with a Taurus ascendant love team games and weightlifting. How exactly this motivation is expressed depends on the sun sign.

taurus rising traits

The spiritual lesson that Taurus rising must learn is to become less attached to earthly things, including objects, possessions, money, property, even loved ones and animals, delicious food, wine, habits, situations, etc.

It’s nice to enjoy these things, but when we get attached too strongly towards anything and we show a possessive instinct, then we deviate from the right path, given by the sign of Taurus.

To learn all the higher and lower manifestations of each zodiac sign, Download The Fast Track To Astrology Cheat Sheets.

When we become extremely attached to anything earthly and material, then we replace our love for God with our love for His earthly creations. Practice shows, that when a person is strongly attached to anything on earth (money, car, spouse, etc.), then the object of his love is taken away from them after a while, so that they can rethink what their true values ​​are.

It is always a good idea to remember that true sense of security can never be fully achieved within if we are focused on worldly possessions, because nothing material is permanent. The real security and confidence in the future can only be achieved when we have built our own system of spiritual values, ideas, and faith in God’s plan.

Please remember that Sun Moon and Rising signs are not enough to properly evaluate compatibility or one’s personality.

You can see a very accurate and beginner-friendly step-by-step guide on how to check compatibility with your partner, taking into consideration the most important elements in the birth chart here.

And if you wish to order a full in-depth analysis of your natal chart that examines the interrelatedness of all elements and also provides a report with remedies on how to overcome your weakest points and challenges, you can do so here.

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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